Form for visit @ Chair of Empirical Macroeconomics As we need to prepare different documents and forms, we kindly ask for some information. All data are stored on university servers and will be deleted after your visit. Note #1: For any expenses paid by the MLU for your visit, we need your German tax-ID. This is independent from your citizenship or residency. If you do not yet have a German tax-ID, we can apply for one for you. To do this, we need a scan/photo of your ID card or passport, which you can upload here in the form. Note #2: Only fill out fields, if necessary or relevant to us. For example, if you travel on own (or your institution's) account, we do not need travel plans from bloc C. You will need approx. 4 minutes to enter these max. 16 pieces of information. A: General Information 1. Prefix Prof. Dr.Prof.Dr.Ms.Mrs.Mr. 2. Gender FemaleMaleDiverse 3. Surname 4. Name 5. E-Mail-Address 6. Official address at home institution (with postal code) 7. Private address (with postal code) 8. Nationality AfghanAlbanianAlgerianAmericanAndorranAngolanAnguillanArgentineArmenianAustralianAustrianAzerbaijaniBahamianBahrainiBangladeshiBarbadianBelarusianBelgianBelizeanBenineseBermudianBhutaneseBolivianBotswananBrazilianBritishBritish Virgin IslanderBruneianBulgarianBurkinanBurmeseBurundianCambodianCameroonianCanadianCape VerdeanCayman IslanderCentral AfricanChadianChileanChineseCitizen of Antigua and BarbudaCitizen of Bosnia and HerzegovinaCitizen of Guinea-BissauCitizen of KiribatiCitizen of SeychellesCitizen of the Dominican RepublicCitizen of VanuatuColombianComoranCongolese (Congo)Congolese (DRC)Cook IslanderCosta RicanCroatianCubanCymraesCymroCypriotCzechDanishDjiboutianDominicanDutchEast TimoreseEcuadoreanEgyptianEmiratiEnglishEquatorial GuineanEritreanEstonianEthiopianFaroeseFijianFilipinoFinnishFrenchGaboneseGambianGeorgianGermanGhanaianGibraltarianGreekGreenlandicGrenadianGuamanianGuatemalanGuineanGuyaneseHaitianHonduranHong KongerHungarianIcelandicIndianIndonesianIranianIraqiIrishIsraeliItalianIvorianJamaicanJapaneseJordanianKazakhKenyanKittitianKosovanKuwaitiKyrgyzLaoLatvianLebaneseLiberianLibyanLiechtenstein citizenLithuanianLuxembourgerMacaneseMacedonianMalagasyMalawianMalaysianMaldivianMalianMalteseMarshalleseMartiniquaisMauritanianMauritianMexicanMicronesianMoldovanMonegasqueMongolianMontenegrinMontserratianMoroccanMosothoMozambicanNamibianNauruanNepaleseNew ZealanderNicaraguanNigerianNigerienNiueanNorth KoreanNorthern IrishNorwegianOmaniPakistaniPalauanPalestinianPanamanianPapua New GuineanParaguayanPeruvianPitcairn IslanderPolishPortuguesePrydeinigPuerto RicanQatariRomanianRussianRwandanSalvadoreanSammarineseSamoanSao TomeanSaudi ArabianScottishSenegaleseSerbianSierra LeoneanSingaporeanSlovakSlovenianSolomon IslanderSomaliSouth AfricanSouth KoreanSouth SudaneseSpanishSri LankanSt HelenianSt LucianStatelessSudaneseSurinameseSwaziSwedishSwissSyrianTaiwaneseTajikTanzanianThaiTogoleseTonganTrinidadianTristanianTunisianTurkishTurkmenTurks and Caicos IslanderTuvaluanUgandanUkrainianUruguayanUzbekVatican citizenVenezuelanVietnameseVincentianWallisianWelshYemeniZambianZimbabwean B: Information w.r.t. payments 9. Bank details - IBAN This is necessary for any payments directly to you. Please fill in only if it concerns you. 10. Bank details - BIC This is necessary for any payments directly to you. Please fill in only if it concerns you. 11. German Tax-ID This is necessary for any payments from our side (tax ID and birth data are mandatory), which can be linked to this travel (even if we do the booking or get the invoice), independently from your citizenship or residency. If you do not yet have a German tax ID, we (the MLU) can apply for a tax ID for you. For this we need a scan of your ID (or passport) as an upload. Please choose "Datei auswählen" to upload! 12. Date of Birth (* This is necessary for any payments from our side (tax ID and birth data are mandatory) C: Travel Information If you get any payments or reimbursements for this travel from MLU, all fields in this bloc are required! 13. Travel date - depart to MLU ( appr. time 14. Travel date - depart from MLU ( appr. time 15. Mean(s) of transport planetraincarother 16. Travel route (the route you will get paid for) Additional message (optional)