The Core Facility – Proteomic Mass Spectrometry at Weinberg Campus is a collaboration between the Faculty I of Natural Science – Biological Science and the Zentrum für Medizinische Grundlagenforschung (ZMG) within theMedical Faculty and provides a full proteomic infrastructure for identification and characterization of proteins and peptides. The Facility consists of state-of-the-art nanoLC-MSMS platforms from Bruker, Thermo, and Waters, and is supported by extensive sample handling and data analysis facilities.
Please check our new webpage:
So, we are just started to run our TQD.
Actually it’s a quite nice robust – all day machine.
Up to now, we’re able to use nanoLC/NSI as well as UPLC/ESI.
Eventually we’ll go for adapting a microFlow set-up in order to rapidly go from C8 to C18!
More to come…