A Patch of Blue. Directed by Guy Green, performances by Sidney Poitier, Shelley Winters, Elizabeth Hartman. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1965. Birth of a Nation. Directed by David Wark Griffith, 1915. Bogle, Donald. Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies and Bucks: An Interpretive History of Blacks in American Films. New York: Continuum, 1992. Cowell, Amanda. The Life and Times of […]
Karine Voigt
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17. Jul 2022
Press Reports about Sidney Poitier
Sidney Poitier was an acclaimed actor. After his death many voices from the press acknowledged his life’s works and achievements. https://stagecoachplayers.com/sindey-poitier-helped-desegregate-america-armed-with-art/ https://edition.cnn.com/2022/01/11/opinions/sidney-poitier-civil-rights-joseph/index.html https://variety.com/2022/film/features/sidney-poitier-civil-rights-movement-martin-luther-king-jr-1235151697/ https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/sidney-poitier-view-on-civil-rights/ https://www.nps.gov/features/malu/feat0002/wof/sidney_poitier.htm