Einladung zur #ExplainMyResearch Virtual Conference

Hosted by the National University of Singapore (NUS), the NUS Department of Pharmacy organizes the #ExplainMyResearch Virtual Conference on 20th April 2021 (9.30am – 1.15pm CET). Register now for this free-of-charge event under www.explainmyresearch.com.

Under the leadership of the NUS Faculty of Science, we have curated a global line-up of speakers from the industry and academia to foster the relationships between students of Pharmacy and the Industry. Having been a student in Germany myself, it makes me very happy that the faculty agreed to make this available to everyone and not only to students from Singapore.  During the conference international experts will share their work live on Zoom, focusing on drug delivery, nanotechnology, and biopharmaceutics. Three sessions are organized by the Society for Pharmaceutical Dissolution Science (SPDS), the Controlled Release Society (CRS), and the A*Star Controlled Release and Encapsulation Technologies Network (CoRE-Net).

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