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Executive director Halomem since 2008
Prof. Dr. Milton T. Stubbs
Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Faculty of Natural Sciences I
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Department of Physical Biotechnology – Prof. Dr. Milton T. Stubbs
Our department is interested in the structural analysis of biological macromolecules.
The major topic is how proteins adopt to their environment via conformational changes.

Prof. Dr. Jochen Balbach
Institute of Physics
Faculty of Natural Sciences II
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Department of Biophysics – Prof. Dr. Jochen Balbach
Our department is using highresolution NMR spectroscopy of biomolecules, biophysical characterization of protein folding and time resolved NMR spectroscopy of protein reactions. These methods help us to analyse structure formation and structure – dynamic correlation of proteins and their targets.

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Bacia
Institute of Chemistry
Faculty of Natural Sciences II
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

Institute of Chemistry, Dept. of Physical Chemistry, Biophysical Chemistry Group
We develop methods for characterizing protein-membrane interactions and membrane protein reconstitution reactions in various model membrane systems. Fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy and microscopy techniques as well as cryo-electron microcopy are used to study chemical structure-function relationships, lateral segregation in membranes, membrane remodeling and COPII-mediated intracellular transport vesicle formation.

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