The SFB ended in June 2023 and this is the archive Website of SFB/TRR 102 Family and Career. For the current information, please refer to the University’s website.
The SFB TRR 102 provided support with different measures the compatibility of scientific career and family, the increase of the visibility of women in science and the career of young scientists.
In the follwoing the particular measures and useful forms regarding pregnancy, parental leave and work family balance are listed and linked.
Pregnancy and parental leave
The SFB ended in June 2023 and therefore the documents below were last updated in 2023. For the current forms, please refer to the University’s website.
Helpful information
Forms regarding maternity leave at the MLU
Guide for an initial talk on maternal leave at the MLU
Guide for an initial talk on parental leave at the MLU
Extension of contracts
The maternity and parental leave period can extend the contract by the amount of time taken based on the standards of the DFG. The extension must be requested.
Support in the Lab
Risk assessment (MLU)
Pregnant doctoral students and parents with little children may apply for support for their laboratory work.
Returning from parental leave
Guide for returning to work after parental leave
It is also possible to return to work as a part-time job.
To compensate the loss of working hours during parental leave, support can be given by a PostDoc, Ph.D. student or student assistant.
Parents child rooms/Resting rooms
Pregnant colleagues may use these rooms as resting rooms.
Room 0.04 at Karl-Freiherr-von-Fritsch-Str. 2 serves as resting room of the naturalscientific faculty II located at Heidecampus. Further information as well as the keys can be received via
Another resting room is located at Weinbergcampus at Kurt-Mothes-Str. 3 room 400.2. For reservation and delivery of the keys contact the registrar’s office for biochemistry and biotechnology (room 114,, phone 24804).

Work family balance
Information on childcare at the MLU
The childcare WeinbergKids offers care in the afternoon and evening hours on an hourly basis.
The SFB TRR 102 offers individual childcare during SFB events and conferences. Childcare can be organised outside regular childcare hours.
Family friendly conference dates
SFB held its meetings at family friendly conference times and dates as far as possible.
Home office and flexible working hours
To enable flexible working from home, the SFB provided support, e.g. by providing a laptop.
Nursing rooms
Diaper changing tables are available at the parents child rooms, the library at Heidecampus and the disabled toilet at Georg-Cantor-Haus. A complete list with diaper changing tables for the whole university can be found here.
Child parents rooms/Relaxation rooms
On the one hand these rooms may be used by pregnant or breastfeeding employees as relaxation rooms but can also serve parents and their children to work and play in.
Room 0.04 at Karl-Freiherr-von-Fritsch-Str. 2 serves as child parents room of the naturalscientific faculty II at Heidecampus and contains a diaper changing table, a daybed, books, toys and a workspace. Further information as well as the keys can be received via
Another child parents room, which also offers a diaper changing table, a baby rug, toys, a nursing pillow and a workspace, is located at Weinbergcampus at Kurt-Mothes-Str. 3 room 400.2. For reservation and delivery of the keys contact the registrar’s office for biochemistry and biotechnology (room 114,, phone 24804).
Family support centre
The family support centre can be contacted for further personal advice.