Image Contest 2024
Wow, what an incredible Image Contest 2024! 🔬📸 We’re overwhelmed by the creativity and scientific prowess you’ve all demonstrated.
In this year´s image contest:
„Visualized Science: The World Beyond Our Senses“
Researchers and students from Martin-Luther-University, local research institutes, and scientific institutions exhibited their images during the „Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften“ 2024 on July 5th.
From fascinating cell structures to breathtaking crystal formations – your contributions have showcased the hidden beauty of the scientific world.
A big thank you to all the participants who submitted their impressive images. You’ve set the bar incredibly high for future contests! Congratulations to our winner of the visitor´s vote: Julia Woskowski with her Image „Volleyball“.
We are excited to announce that the submissions for our contest are now published on our homepage! The gallery showcases a variety of impressive images that reflect the creativity and talent of our participants. Each photo tells its own story and offers a unique insight into the world of science.
You are welcome to explore the gallery, discover the stories and enjoy the fascinating works!
Please note that all submitted images are protected by copyright. Copying or unauthorised use of these images is not permitted.
Discover the story behind each image:
Arrangement of two classic model plant species (seedlings germinated in the dark): Gregor Mendel’s garden pea (Pisum sativum), famous for unraveling the laws of inheritance, and mouse-ear cress (Arabidopsis thaliana), which propelled our understanding of plant molecular biology. Image taken by Steffen Abel during his studies on plant hormone (auxin) action in both plant experimental systems.
SONY Alpha 6300
Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry
Cooperation Partner:
UC Berkley
The research project deals with the synthesis and investigation of another type of photo-switchable polycatenar molecule with an azobenzene core and non-symmetrical substituted molecular ends. The main question of the project tries to answer the question of the exchange of triple substituted alkoxy backbone with a single substituted backbone with one triple-branched carbosilane chain on one end, and how this influences the spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking in the mesophase of a polycatenar molecule.
polarizing optical microscopy (Olympus BX51-P) with the combination of a heating stage (Linkam LTS420E) and controller (T95-HS)
Martin-Luther-University Halle- Wittenberg, Institute of Organic Chemistry
Cooperation Partner:
Virginia-Marie Fischer, Dr. Mohamed Alaasar, Prof. Dr. Carsten Tschierske
We all think that plants do not talk and do not move. But this can not be further from the truth! When it goes to mating (as for many other things) plants surely do not twiddle their thumbs! Pollen grains are single cells released from the flower male parts that can migrate over enormous distances until reaching the right flower to mate with; once there, a tube will grow from the grain and find its way towards the female parts of the chosen flower. How this process is regulated is still an unsolved puzzle. We study low abundant membrane lipids called phosphoinositides (PIs), which are major players in guiding pollen tube growth. How do they do this? PIs recruit specific proteins at the tip of the tube which in turn regulate tube growth and directionality. In the image the PIs are in magenta and localize at the pollen grain (bottom left) and at tip of the tube (top right), while in green is ADF2, a protein that regulates tube growth, whose action is specifically regulated by PIs.
Zeiss Cell observer with a Yokogawa CSU-X1 spinning disc unit, 63X objective
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Cooperation Partner:
Prof. Dr. Ingo Heilmann
Autophagy is a process that leads to the degradation of damaged cell ingredients such as organelles or proteins. This process can also be used to recycle nutrients. Autophagy is basically the garbage system of the cell. In cyan you can see a protein (ATG9) that plays a crucial role in this process and in magenta chloroplasts, the organelle in which photosynthesis happens. The image was taken of leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana, a model plant that is widely studied.
Zeiss LSM 900
Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry
Cooperation Partner:
Dr. Christin Naumann
Not all viruses are as dangerous as those that cause COVID-19 or AIDS! In fact, some can even be beneficial, such as viruses in yeasts – the tiny organisms that make Germany’s favourite breads and beers. This image shows a virus of a yeast cell. The smallest detail you can see in this image is only three angstroms wide. That’s about 250,000 times thinner than a hair. This resolution was achieved by capturing over 50,000 highly magnified images through a powerful electron microscope and then processing them using supercomputers. Both the state-of-the-art microscope and the supercomputers are local highlights that build on Halle’s rich tradition of specialised microscopy techniques. So, the next time you enjoy a piece of bread or a beer, think about the billions of these little helpers that sweeten our everyday lives!
Deposition DOI: 10.2210/pdb8PE4/pdb
Publication DOI: 10.1038/s42003-024-06204-7
TEM ThermoFisher Glacios
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Cooperation Partner:
Lisa Schmidt, Christian TĂĽting, Fotis Kyrilis, Dmitry Semchonok, Gerd Hause, Annette Meister, Christian Ihling, Milton Stubbs, Andrea Sinz, Panagiotis Kastritis
Patient- and disease specififc neurons derived from pluripotent stem cells provide a unique tool to study disease onste, progression and treatment.
Keyence BZ-8100E
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
The inconspicuous mouse-ear cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) has become established as a model organism in plant research. Its short generation time and small genome make it the ideal object of study for fundamental biological processes.
Overall, this research not only provides scientific knowledge, but is also crucial for the development of sustainable agricultural practices and the management of environmental challenges. It plays a key role in the future of agriculture and the protection of our ecosystems.
ESEM (Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope)
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Cooperation Partner:
Frank Syrowatka, Dr. Christin Naumann
Thysanoptera, also known as thrips, are tiny insects that can be of considerable economic importance as plant pests, particularly in viticulture and agriculture. Control with traditional methods is very ineffective for these animals and often leads to the use of immense amounts of chemical insecticides. In order to develop alternative management strategies, research is needed into the biology, behaviour and interaction with the host plants.
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
„Is it just a phase?“ Due to certain biochemical properties, proteins can cause phase separation what looks like oil in water. Phase separation is a process where proteins are either concentrated or sequestered within a compartment-like structure (named as biomolecular condensates) to promote and specify certain cellular reactions. This “demixing” process is highly dynamic, reversible and energetically favorable for the organism. Shown in the microscopy image is a protein, called MVQ9, driving phase separation in the nucleus during seed size development. MVQ9 interacts with a transcription factor in young, maturing Arabidopsis seeds, probably regulating transcription of genes involved in seed development through formation of biomolecular condensates. Whether transcription of target genes is promoted or repressed remains under investigation.
Zeiss LSM 900
Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry
Cooperation Partner:
Hagen Stellmach
Many solutions are used in the laboratory. They are usually stored in glass bottles. When sunlight falls through the bottle, beautiful plays of light can occur.
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Arabidopsis seedlings were grown in liquid media in flasks. The flasks were shaken to optimise the oxygen supply. The centrifugal force causes the seedlings to lose their ability to feel gravity. They form „balls“ in which roots and leaves become entangled. These „balls“ are then used to produce plant extracts.
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
This is neither a drone shot of a gathering in the marketplace, nor an inverted colour image of a meteor shower. These are seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana on a sheet of paper. Each seed is less than 1Â mm in size. This image was taken with oblique light to obtain long shadows. These make it possible to better recognise the differences in size between the seeds of a single plant.
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Thin fibres can be produced using the so-called electrospinning process. They are 100 – 1000 times thinner than a human hair and have outstanding mechanical properties (strength). They are used in a wide range of applications such as filtration, protective clothing, aerospace and medicine.
Heinz-Bethge-Stiftung, Pupils´ Lab
UHMWPE is produced in the form of powder granules that are compacted and then exhibit excellent mechanical properties (such as strength and abrasion behaviour) and is used in many areas, including in medicine as a sliding material for knee and hip prostheses.
Heinz-Bethge-Stiftung, Pupils´ Lab
Cooperation Partner:
Medicine, orthopaedic clinic and chemical industry
As part of my medical physics studies, I had the opportunity to familiarise myself with the scanning electron microscope and its limitations. The image shows the mouth parts of a fruit fly.
ESEM (Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope)
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
The embryo of seed plants is protected by a seed coat. Similar to a chicken hedging from an egg, the young plant must break through this shell to develop.
Zeiss LSM 780
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Biology, Plant Physiology, General Botany, Group Form and Dynamics of Plant Organelles
The image was created in our Pupils´ Laboratory of Light Microscopy of the Heinz-Bethge-Stiftung, which employs sophisticated optical technology to enhance our understanding of the smaller facets of life. Light microscopy, unlike its electron-based counterpart, utilizes visible light to illuminate samples, making it possible to explore the vibrant, true-to-life colors and textures of biological specimens. The featured 3D image of the standing bee offers a rare perspective into the detailed anatomy of one of nature’s most vital pollinators. Through the use of specialized imaging techniques, we can observe the intricate structure of the bee’s body, from the delicate veining of its wings to the fine hairs that cover its head and thorax, which play a critical role in pollen collection. This depth of detail not only highlights the complexity of the bee but also demonstrates the capabilities of modern light microscopy to reveal features that are usually hidden from the naked eye.
Zeiss Smart Zoom 5.0 Light Microscope
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Physics
Cooperation Partner:
The Pupils‘ Laboratory of Light Microscopy is proud to present a spectacular 3D image of the eye of a fire bug, captured using state-of-the-art imaging techniques. Light microscopy, a cornerstone in the field of biological research, harnesses the power of visible light to explore the vibrant and intricate details of microscopic structures. Unlike other forms of microscopy that may alter the natural coloration of specimens, light microscopy allows us to observe the subject in its true color, enhancing both educational and research accuracy.
The featured 3D image offers an unprecedented view into the complex eye structure of the fire bug. These insects, known for their striking patterns and colors, possess compound eyes that are marvels of evolutionary design. Each compound eye consists of hundreds of tiny lenses, or ommatidia, which provide the fire bug with a mosaic view of the world, crucial for detecting motion and navigating their environment.
Zeiss Smart Zoom 5.0 Light Microscope
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Physics
Cooperation Partner:
Dive deep into the microcosm through the lens of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) which has unveiled an extraordinary image: a pollen grain resting on a fly’s eye, monitored in the School Laboratory for Electron Microscopy of Bethge-Stiftung in the institute of physics. The image you’ll witness captures the fascinating interaction between the natural world’s minuscule elements. A single pollen grain, integral to the life cycle of plants, sits delicately on the compound eye of a fly—a marvel of evolutionary engineering itself, designed to provide a wide field of vision and detect the slightest movement in the air. This intersection of flora and fauna highlights the complex interdependencies in our ecosystem, visible only through the power of electron microscopy.
SEM Jeol
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Physics
Cooperation Partner:
Diptera belong to the most speciose insect orders. More than 170.000 species are named and many more await description. A preferred collecting technique used by entomologists is the so called „sweep net“. In 2002 Michael von Tschirnhaus (University of Bielefeld) collected a whole swarm of very tiny dipterans (< 2 mm) in Australia. The flies were found aggregated in a large excavated hole in sandstone. Nearly 2000 flies were sampled with the net. They belong to a genus of Chloropidae (Apotropina). The species is not yet described. Thirty specimens beared fruit bodies of fungi near their mouth cavity. This fungus was also unknown. It belongs to the Laboulbeniales. Meanwhile it was described as Laboulbenia tschirnhausi in honour of the collector. The majority of these fungi are transferred by mating activity of the host. In this fly, however, the spores are passed on while exchanging liquids to each other by the mouthparts – „kisses“ that surely will affect the life of the fly!
Olympus E 5, Nikon Plan 10 / 0,30; 160/0,17. 50 photographs stacked with Helicon Focus, Object covered with Ethanol 40%
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, ZNS
There are various organelles in a cell, such as the cell nucleus and the chloroplasts, which fulfil important functions. These organelles are often difficult or impossible to recognise with a normal light microscope. Fluorescent dyes are used to make them more visible. These dyes are combined with proteins that are located in certain organelles or cell areas and become visible with special microscopes under the excitation of high-energy light. In this image, two different proteins with different fluorescent dyes were used. Protein 1 (green) is located in the cell nucleus (centre of the image) and in the cytosol (the liquid part of the cell). Protein 2 (red) is mainly found in the cytosol. Areas in which both proteins occur simultaneously appear yellow. Chloroplasts glow by themselves (blue) and can therefore be seen without additional colouring agents.
Leica Stellaris 8 Falcon
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Biology
3D reconstruction of an ER-GFP labelled shoot tip with developing leaves and leaf hairs. Section from a time series. Green: endoplasmic reticulum; magenta: chloroplasts.
Zeiss Lightsheet Z1
Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry
This electron microscope image is depicting deeper insights to neuronal cell structure. This is done as part of a project involving differentiation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) from healthy and Alzheimer’s disease patient to mature neurons. The aim is to study changes in protein degradation in Alzheimer disease neurons that can lead to impaired clearance of amyloid beta protein, forming neurotoxic plaques. Electron microscopy of healthy and diseased neurons was done after differentiation to characterize the mature neurons and to check the aberrations in autophagosome structure and number that could be causing impaired clearance of proteins in Alzheimer’s disease.
Zeiss EM900
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Physiological Chemistry
Cooperation Partner:
RTG 2155 (ProMoAge), Dr. Stephanie KrĂĽger
Spodumene is an important mineral for lithium production. However, the majority of the leached minerals remain as residues. We are trying to avoid landfills, e.g. use in the cement industry.
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
Cooperation Partner:
Mitochondria are considered the powerhouses of the cell. In this picture, you spot isolated plant mitochondria, which can look quite different outside the cell. During the isolation process, which has a lot of steps, the buffer tries to emulate the environment of the cell, although mitochondria still feel the stress of being outside of its home. Usually, they get this round shape and the inner membrane with elongated cristae, but they can also get other shapes, like faces. How many facial expressions can you find? Moreover, in this picture, we have a special shape! We named it onion-like shape, could you guess which one is that? Have fun!
Zeiss EM900
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Biology
Cooperation Partner:
Dr. Stephanie KrĂĽger
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