Das Charles Tanford Protein Centre (CTP) fügt sich nahtlos in die Vision des Mitteldeutschen Zentrums für Struktur und Dynamik der Proteine (MZP) ein. Das vom Bund und dem Land Sachsen-Anhalt geförderte CTP vereint 13 Projektteams aus verschiedenen Disziplinen unter einem Dach und etabliert sich als zentraler Knotenpunkt für die proteinbiochemische Forschung an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.

The Charles Tanford Protein Centre (CTP) aligns seamlessly with the vision of the Mitteldeutsches Zentrum für Struktur und Dynamik der Proteine (MZP) – the Central German Center for Structure and Dynamics of Proteins. Funded by the federal government and the Land Saxony-Anhalt, the CTP unites 13 project teams from diverse disciplines under one roof, establishing itself as a pivotal hub for protein biochemistry research at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg.

The cubic design harmonizes with surrounding structures, featuring two staggered blocks, creating accessible forecourts at different levels. The layout optimizes functionality, with tripartite organization around single access cores, adapting flexibly to evolving research needs.

The building’s shell complements adjacent structures, signifying the cutting-edge research program. The outward-facing laboratory façade, made of perforated aluminum panels, prevents direct sunlight, while a glass façade with an adjustable screen system balances transparency and privacy.

Tanford’s Garten, an on-site sculpture by artist Timm Kregel, pays homage to Charles Tanford, a pioneer in protein research. This cultural touch adds significance to the CTP, a physical embodiment of the MZP’s vision, uniting diverse teams in a purpose-built facility to advance protein study.

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