The Faculty of Natural Sciences II offers a doctoral degree in Natural Sciences (Dr. rer. nat, equivalent to a PhD) in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics or a related discipline after submission of a suitable doctoral thesis (dissertation) and a doctoral examination (defence). Note that in the German system, admission to the doctoral student level requires a Diploma or an equivalent Master degree.

Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences II are conducted in the framework of a research project performed in one of the groups at the different institutes. Here, this embodies the membership in the integrated Research Training Group (iRTG) of the Collaborative Research Center (SFB/TRR 102) funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), where the doctoral candidate will pass through a dedicated doctoral training program with a focus on polymer and soft-matter science.
The corresponding SFB/TRR 102 is a long-term Transregional Collaborative Research Center working on basic research in the field of polymers. Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, as the coordinating University has applied together with the University of Leipzig for support of this research project. Both Universities are collaborating closely to take advantage of this unique opportunity.
Financial support of doctoral students is provided in the form of work contracts and scholarships for the duration of their doctoral studies at Halle/Leipzig.