Welcome to the Integrated Research Training Group “Polymers: random coils and beyond“.
The graduate school is a common initiative of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the University of Leipzig (UL). Doctoral students from the area of physics, chemistry and life sciences work and study in the field of polymer science, which is a common key activity at both institutions in one of the centers of polymer research in Germany. Established at the beginning of 2012, the graduate program has 30 member from six different nations.
Aims and scope of the graduate program
The graduate program at Halle/Leipzig has two main goals: the development of a broad background in polymer science, and, through additional soft skill courses, the expansion of transferable skills. Doctoral students work closely with an established advisor and meet regularly with a member of the mentoring program. The broad training in polymer science is enriched by topically related lectures and lecture series of the local faculty and international guest researchers. The training of specific research methodologies is offered to the members in two-day “Advanced Training Modules (ATM).” Our doctoral students also learn how to give professional presentations and write manuscripts for publication.