Self-organization and structure formation of synthetic and biological macromolecules
Macromolecules influence our daily life as plastic materials (synthetic polymers) but also as the basis of all living organisms (biopolymers, e.g. proteins, DNA). Compared to smaller molecules, macromolecules show surprising physical properties. In our summer school, we covered the physical basics of macromolecular systems. The structure formation of synthetic as well as biological polymers were taught with the help of experimental techniques and simulation methods.
August 27 – September 2, 2022
One week filled with lectures and lab courses on polymer physics as well as social and cultural activities.
Hands-on experience
Lab courses and student poster sessions complemented the theoretical knowledge from the lectures and offer an insight into polymer research.
Apply now
The school was ideal for students with at least two years of undergraduate studies in physics. But also materials science and chemistry students were welcome to apply. The application portal was online until June 15, 2022. We charged a nominal fee of 100 €, travel expenses and accommodation were covered after review and acceptance of the application.