Jochen Balbach is professor for biophysics at MLU Halle. By high-resolution NMR-spectroscopy, the Balbach group investigates the structure and dynamics of proteins and the biophysics of protein folding and self-assembly.

Mario Beiner is scientific director at the Fraunhofer Institute IMWS. He studies the structure formation and dynamics of polymers using x-ray scattering techniques and mechanical measurements.

Wolfgang Binder is chair of Macromolecular Chemistry at MLU Halle. Focus areas of his research are the molecular design of synthetic as well as biological polymers and their applications.

Quan Chen is professor at the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry. The Chen group studies the dynamics of macromolecular systems over wide length scales with rheology and broadband dielectric spectroscopy.

Frank Cichos is professor for experimental physics at Leizig University. In his Molecular Nanophotonics group single proteins can be thermally trapped and studied with optical methods.

Marcus Fändrich is director of the Institute of Protein Biochemistry at Ulm University. One focus area of his research is the investigation of
amyloid fibrils with electron cryo microscopy.

Tiago Ferreira is junior research group leader at the institute of physics at MLU Halle. His main research interest concerns the study of self-assembled systems such as biological membranes which are primarily studied by means of advanced solid state nuclear magnetic resonance.

George Floudas is head of the soft matter group at the University of Ioannina and a senior visiting scientist at the MPI-P. His research focuses on the structure and dynamics of soft materials by applying scattering techniques and dielectrics spectroscopy.

Wolfhard Janke is head of the Computational Quantum Field Theory group at Leipzig university. He is an expert on computational physics and he uses simulation techniques to study the behavior of polymers as well as proteins.

Yongfen Men is director of the State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry at CIAC. He is an expert for small angle x-ray scattering and mechanical testing and his main research interests focus on the structure and properties relationships of semi-crystalline polymers.

Maria Ott is junior research leader at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (MLU Halle). She studies the self-organization of proteins and polymers using x-ray scattering as well as single-molecule techniques.

Wolfgang Paul is head of the Theoretical Polymer Physics group at MLU Halle. His main research interest is to study thermodynamics, structure and dynamics of polymers with simulation techniques.

Kay Saalwächter is professor for experimental physics at MLU Halle. The Saalwächter group investigates structure and dynamics in soft materials, using NMR spectroscopy and complementary techniques.

Matthias Schmidt is a researcher at the Institute of Protein Biochemistry at Ulm University. He studies amyloid fibrils with cryo-electron microscopy.

Zhaohui Su is professor at the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry. His group studies complex polymer systems and functional thin films, using mainly spectroscopic methods.

Thomas Thurn-Albrecht
is head of the experimental polymer physics group at MLU Halle. His research focuses on structure formation in various polymer systems, using primarily X-ray scattering techniques and AFM.