Im Rahmen der Veröffentlichung des neusten Erweiterungspacks „Highschool-Jahre“ habe ich mich an der Teen-a-day challenge beteiligt. In diesem Beitrag findet ihr alle meine Einträge. Ziel war es, innerhalb des Zeitraums bis zur Veröffentlichung des Packs jeden Tag einen Sim bzgl. der Themen zu erstellen.
Da die Challenge auf Englisch stattfindet, sind auch die Namen und Beschreibungen auf Englisch.

Tag 1: Cheer Captain

Ade Tyson is the cheer captain of the cheer sqaud at Copperdale High, shes genuinely a happy person and loves to do sports.
Tag 2: Rebel

Ida is the rebellious one at Copperdale High and while they don’t care about rules and studying, they imagine a much more simpler life in the future and are planning to move away from Copperdale as soon as possible.
Tag 3: Band Kid

Our Band Kid at Copperdale High inspired by Robin Buckley from Stranger things.
Tag 4: Emo

Meet Copperdale High’s residential emo: Adam Black. As every emo does, he loves a certain type of music, is a romantic and caring soul and is sometimes having trouble with his mental health.
Tag 5: Freshman

Copperdale High’s newest student Hannah is very much excited to finally experience the highs and lows of her High School Years. She love to study and actually is here for the education but there might be someone she has a crush on. And she might get sweaty palms whenever she sees them in the cafeteria.
Tag 6: Redneck

Savannah is the local farmer gal at Copperdale High. To be clear, shes a kind caring gal and has nothing to do with the bad reputation rednecks got. She just lives on a farm, drives her truck and loves to be around animals.
Tag 7: Try hard
The try hard, inspired by my mom, Kathrin wants to be the best at everything. Sports? Check. Grades? Check. After school activities? Check. Her dream is to never actually leave the school and become a teacher after graduation at Britechester University.
Tag 8: Hipster

Asher made being hip his whole personality. He knows what he needs to do to be seen as someone with a great unique taste in everything and the lines to drop when taking about philosophy and politics to get the girls and guys interested in him.
Tag 9: Party-Thrower

The party thrower Jerome throws the best parties in the whole village of Copperdale. Everyone wants to be invited but only the most popular students will be there every time he throws one to have a great night. He has a crush on someone you never would have guessed (also his friends are not aware), but will he give up his popularity to possibly be with his crush?
Tag 10: Mom of the Group

Eigentlich war die Aufgabe hier 16 and Pregnant, leider können Teenager Sims ohne Mods nicht schwanger werden und es wäre eventuell auch ziemlich stereotypisch, deswegen habe ich mich für diese Alternative entschieden.
Claire, the mom of the group, loves to take care of her friends in need and looks forward to being an actual mom for her many many children to come. The only issue: the partner who is willing to take this journey with her. Shes single for her whole life so far (shes is 16, but stilllllllllllllllll) and awaits every day a rom-com-ish moment to meet the love of her life. Will the junior year finally give her that moment?
Tag 11: Theater Kid

Yolanda, the theater kid, at Copperdale high is mostly found at the stage of the prom hall, where they and their theater club are working on their most recent experimental and artsy play. They want to move to San Myshuno after their graduation and make it as an independent actor. Yolandas parents want them to go to Britechester University so that they can at least get a proper degree (even tho its arts).
Tag 12: Bully

Matty, the local bully is getting on everyone´s nerves (besides his rich bros). He loves to flex daddys money and reminding everyone how so not hes into progressive politics. Luckily the lefty and alt kids at Copperdale High are forming an alliance against him and he will most definitely not become prom king again.
Tag 13: In a rock band

Anita the local rockstar at Copperdale High was able to start with a cover band of Nirvana songs to get her band signed at an independent label from San Myshino. Now they will go on a tour soonish, playing at different towns and villages, but will everything work out fine? Anita is eventually quite chaotic.
Tag 14: Loner

Alex, the loner, doesn’t really know what to make out of his High School Years. Sure, he actually enjoys some me time, but a few friends during the breaks and for some study (or gaming sessions) would be quite amazing. He joined a social app and started to talk to someone from his school, but they want to stay anonymous at the moment. Will Alex find out who it is? And will this person actually be friends with him irl?
Tag 15: Quarterback

Of course he needs to make an appearance: the quarterback of Copperdale High. John loves everything sports but most importantly american football. Unfortunately his grades are not the best this year and his parents are angry with him, and don’t want to understand why he can’t be the best at both school and sports. He might also have a thing for Yolanda the theater kid, but nobody can know, especially not his bestie Matty the bully. Damn, sucks to be the most popular boy at school.
Tag 16: Gamer

Ally puts the girl in gamer girl. Or does Ally? Everything Ally knew about herself is quite confusing atm. And therefore Ally isn’t so sure of their gender identity or identity in general. But what Ally is sure about, that the love for gaming will be everlasting and so they plan is to raise money during streams, which Ally wants to donate to trans kids in need.
Tag 17: Horse Girl

Cindy is the local horse girl, but of course not in a weird kind of way (but some have other opinions on that). She started riding from a young age and is in a relationship with bully Matty. She wants to become a world famous equestrian. This has to work out otherwise she will have to focus on studying law so one day she can take over her daddys law firm, which she is quite opposed to. For money making her future husband Matty will be responsible.
Tag 18: Teachers Pet

Ugh, Amelie can be a pain in the ass, especially whenever she reminds the teacher that they forgot to control the homework or asks why tests can’t be harder. She loves to have competition and leads the chess club.
Tag 19: Influencer

The influencer Julie Xi is by far the most famous student at Copperdale High and the one which the most self earned money. She started with a few OOTD posts and get-ready-with-mes but her SimsTube channel grew into a whole career. Sometimes is hard to keep up with the school works but her love for coffee will most certainly help with that.
Tag 20: Artist

Melissa is the artsy one at Copperdale High. She has an on going fling with the pot head Michael but while she is relaxed and free minded she is sometimes annoyed by his use. She wants to concentrate to get into the Advanced Art Degree at Britechester University to become a selling artist. Other plans include to become an art teacher but that would only be plan b.
Tag 21: Pot head
Michael the pot head, does he have another personality than just being high during his High School Years? Not atm. But to be fair he had some issues growing up and is trying to reduce his consume, especially since his gf made it quite clear to him, that that would be a good idea if they want to stay together.
Tag 22: Valedictorian

Jane is the valedictorian of this years graduation class. She had straigh As (even tho she isn’t straight at all otherwise) and is always dressed very formally. She wants to become a scientist and also graduate with the best grades from Foxbury Institute.
Tag 23: Skater boi

Carly (he/him) is the local skater boi at Copperdale High. He loves to skate and to snowboard and has a not so secret crush on his math teacher. But will he find love in his own age group?
Tag 24: Class Clown

Mariam is the class clown at Copperdale High. Shes pulling the pranks, the seniors warn the freshman about and she is even famous for pranking the headteacher. Her great sense of humor comes from her dad, which was her source for happiness after her mom died. She wants to become a widely known comedian.
Tag 25: Geek

Roland is THE Geek at Copperdale High, he is the leader of the math and of the computer club and loves everything related to science and research. He will have a great academic future at Foxbury Institute, the teachers are sure.
Tag 26: Future Olympian

Gwen is the athlete and future olympian at Copperdale High. She is in the swim team, but loves every other sport just as well. She set many records in her schools sport history and won many trophies at national championships. She is really serious about sports and wants to go to an elite university to fulfill her dream of being a word famous athlete.
Tag 27: Activist

Jennifer is the activist at Copperdale High. Shes fighting to save our earth, to help people in need and to smash capitalism. While her ideas seem utopian, she is sure, that it is needed to have a good life for everyone.
Tag 28: Whatever YOU were in high school (Journalist)

Leandra is the school newspaper editor at Copperdale High, always on the run for the best and newest story and gossip. She is a perfectionist and hates nothing more than finding mistakes after the print! Her dream is to become an actual journalist one day after completing university. I made her for the last prompt (whatever you were in HS, I did play a part at our school newspaper).