The time has come! – the doctoral student representatives at MLU Halle-Wittenberg will be elected for the second time. This means that all doctoral students at this university have the opportunity to vote and elect their representatives between May 16 and May 27, 2024. However, they not only have the right to vote, but also can be elected themselve. So if you feel that you would like to represent the interests of doctoral students in your faculty or the Senate, please contact us (for information) or fill in the form directly (between April 3 and April 23, 2024).
Further information on the procedure can be found on the website of the election committee:
We – the active PhD representatives – have set ourselves the final task of making this election a success. For us, this means that at least two people from each of MLU’s nine faculties will stand for election so that each faculty is represented in the respective council meetings as well as in the doctoral student council. More importantly, however, if we achieve this goal with 18 elected members, the representation of doctoral candidates’ interests at this university will be ready for all the challenges that lie ahead. These include, for example, our participation in the doctoral committees (Promotionsausschüsse) of the various faculties in the coming years and our more active involvement in the senate (universitärer Senat) and faculty councils (Fakulätsräte).
This campaign consists primarily of advertising via all possible channels (e-mail distribution list, posters, press office, flyers, website). However, we also want to clarify the most important questions here and elsewhere for all those who are not so familiar with the work (this will follow in the coming days)).
What are the tasks? What knowledge do I need to acquire? Who do we meet with on a regular basis? We can also answer these questions personally by e-mail. In the next few days, we will also publish a detailed overview of our past and present activities, our successes and our positive and negative experiences so that you can form your own opinion. Please contact us if you are thinking of joining: