Thu, November 24, 2022 3:00 pm – Sat, November 26, 2022 1:00 pm
LEUCOREA Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Organised by PD Dr. Julia Nitz & Laura-Isabella Heitz
asc_poster_mc_2022_finalThis is the twenty-fifth time teachers from across Germany will meet in Wittenberg for a seminar consisting of lectures and discussion periods with the aim of promoting the presence of American Studies in the EFL classroom.
This year’s topics include religious culture in the USA, social justice and environmentalism, political relations between the US and Eastern Europe, fake news and social media, as well as workshops and teaching inspiration on subjects such as the US and Northern Ireland, zines, and creative writing in the EFL classroom.
The group consists not only of teacher coordinators but also of advanced teacher students and students who want to become teachers. They are also involved in the organization phase, so that the contents and aims of the seminar are aligned with the needs of teachers and teaching practitioners in general, and also by those who are new to the profession. Thus, the seminar is not only an event for continuing education in the field of American culture and history, but also a platform where teaching practitioners from different areas and at different levels can network and share their experience in teaching America relevant topics.
The seminar is Thillm accredited and a LISA event (22L162001).