Belles and Poets: Intertextuality in the Civil War Diaries of White Southern Women, Louisiana State UP, 2020.

„[Nitz] demonstrates that transatlantic exchanges inspired the diarists, who were often isolated from other sources of encouragement and motivation and thus relied on a variety of printed sources from across the Atlantic to navigate their own world. They helped create, in short, a global South. Nitz’s extremely well-researched and well-documented monograph participates in similar transatlantic conversations about the American South in the world, and about the importance of literature to help us live in it.“
Juncker, Clara. Review of Belles and Poets: Intertextuality in the Civil War Diaries of White Southern Women, by Julia Nitz. American Studies in Scandinavia, vol. 53, no. 2, 2021, pp. 153-168. NAAS.
„It is clear that Nitz knows her subject extremely well and has devoted an impressive amount of time to hunting down, contextualizing, and analyzing the literary allusions and quotations from the diaries against the backdrop of each woman’s life as well as larger historical and cultural forces of the time. Her discussion of the examples she presents is clear, persuasive, and always insightful.“
Steinroetter, Vanessa. Review of Belles and Poets: Intertextuality in the Civil War Diaries of White Southern Women, by Julia Nitz. Journal of Southern History, vol. 88, no. 2, 2022, pp. 396-397.
„Overall, Nitz demonstrates a clear and compelling grasp of multiple scholarships and historiographies. This group of southern women, Nitz contends, tell us about how readers shaped the meaning of texts just as the text altered mindsets and provided new vocabularies for self-expression. Nitz aptly explains the complex logic and emotion of women’s literary lives, particularly in terms of gender, race, and hierarchy.“
Brackett Fialka on Nitz, „Belles and Poets: Intertextuality in the Civil War Diaries of White Southern Women“. H-SAWH, Oktober 2021,
„If Nitz can add this much new understanding of eight of the most well-known U. S. southern women’s diaries of the period, it is likely that these methods will also yield results with more obscure personal writings. The scholar will have to put in work, as the act of recognizing literary quotes and authors that the diarist might only half-remember, researching and contextualizing those works, and then exploring how they shape our understanding of the diarist’s also-contextualized thoughts and circumstances is no easy feat. The monograph and many lists Nitz has compiled are a considerable accomplishment. History and literary scholars at or above the graduate level will enjoy exploring her methodologies.“
DeVelvis, Melissa. „Julia Nitz. 2020. Belles and Poets: Intertextuality in the Civil War Diaries of White Southern Women. Southern Literary Studies Series. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 296 pp., $55.00.“ Anglia, vol. 141, no. 4, 2023, pp. 669-672.
Ein kognitives Lesemodell historio(bio)graphischer Texte. Georg III.—Rezeption und Konstruktion in den britischen Medien (1990–2006). Trier: WVT, 2010.