
Our next meeting will take place at 24.06.2024 at 2:30 p.m. at Dachritzstr. 6, Room 1.01.0

Who we are: We are the first elected doctoral representation council of Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. This council consists of all elected doctoral representatives and their deputies. The council started their work officially on 1 Sep 2022. The members were elected by you, the doctoral students from your own midst in the last general university election. Unfortunately, there were no candidates from the Faculty of Natural Sciences II and III, which is why there are not representatives from these candidates on the council for this legislative period. You can find a detailed introduction here.

Here you can see the latest results of the university elections.

Our purpose: Our purpose is the representation of your interests at MLU Halle-Wittenberg. We represent the whole bandwidth of doctoral candidates/students in different positions: from scientific staff over scholarship holders to those doing their PhD externally. We do this in the individual faculty councils as well as in the university’s senate. We have the right to speak and to propose motions, but no voting rights of our own.

Take a look at the legal basis of the PhD-Council (only in German)

What we stand for: We want to improve the working, living, teaching and learning conditions during your PhD, fight for acknowledgement of our efforts and achievements within the university and give young scientist a strong voice. We also want to provide important information and contact points for you in a central place and keep you updated about developments concerning the status of PhD candidates/students. 

You can find our current meeting dates and invitations on the News page.

Here’s how you can reach us: You can reach us via our E-mail address promovierendenvertretung@uni-halle.de. You are also very welcome to come and attend one of our regular meetings. We will switch to English if You attend our meeting and cannot speak German. You can also mail to us “traditionally”.

Promovierendenvertretung der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Universitätsplatz 10
06108 Halle