Mental Health Awareness Days for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Researchers

The Mental Health Awareness Days, an event organized by the universities of Halle, Jena and Leipzig together with the research institutions iDiv and Helmholtz, will take place from 27-29 November 2024.
Short online workshops will focus on topics such as overthinking, stress reduction, dealing with conflicts and boundaries, chronic illness and mindfulness. The main aim of the event is to inform and sensitize researchers about the various facets of mental health care early on in their careers.
It’s not just about focusing on your own mental health: Many of the workshops offer very specific techniques and tools, for example to reduce stress and improve boundaries in everyday (research) life.
The workshops are held in both English and German.
The main target groups are doctoral students and postdocs; supervisors are also welcome.

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Do I say it or not? – Chronically sick at work

If you struggle frequently with migraines, suffer from an autoimmune disease or another chronic illness or impairment, you may be absent from work due to illness more often than others. Or you may have the same job performance as others, but find it much harder to perform at the same level or work under the same conditions. Or maybe you are not aware that you have a chronic illness or what is considered a “chronic illness”? Perhaps you are worried about what colleagues and superiors might think and whether your health impairment has negative consequences for your work activity.

MLU positions itself as an employer that can and wants to adapt to individual concerns. In this article, we want which services are offered by MLU and how MLU can support you. The article is intended to support you in making an informed decision as to whether you would like to disclose your health impairment to your employer and to show you where suitable contact persons and consulting partners are available.

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Healthy (digital) collaboration

The daily work routine when working from home looks different than in the office at university and also poses different challenges. One colleague’s child may be at home and is often interrupted at work as a result, another colleague feels like she has to respond even late at night when her supervisor writes an e-mail, another colleague withdraws completely and you don’t hear or see anything from him. What can you do to still work well together?

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