After skipping a year due to the pandemic restrictions, we could all finally gather again and discuss science! This year it was our Group Leader Panos’ turn to organize HALOmem’s retreat, and he chose the very charming and historically important city of Wittenberg as the place to host it. Little known fact, HALOmem was put first in paper right there, so you could say that this is its birthplace!

Being a part of an interdisciplinary research centre, communication between groups is paramount, as each group’s critical results and discoveries can help push our collective work forward. Collaboration between the HALOmem groups is constant and can only continue when each group knows what the other can offer or how we can assist each other in solving scientific questions, and this retreat offered exactly that.
There were a lot of very interesting talks and we could also show our own group’s progress for the past year to the rest of HALOmem! We also want to take the chance to congratulate our group members for their amazing presentations!
Of course, a retreat is not just business, so we took the chance to socialize (basically we drank a lot of beer, there are some amazing local breweries) and take some pictures as well!

Here is another picture of the Kastritis Group! Unfortunately, our PhD student Lisa was unable to attend, but as we are also a computational group, we have amazing Photoshop skills and we could add her in the picture! See if you can spot the alteration:

In general, we had amazing fun and we hope that we are able to organize it again next year. See you then!