Our PostDoc Dmitry actively shows that the Kastritis lab is not just working on our model organism C. thermophilum!
Dmitry is very interested in the Photosynthesis machinery and through his collaborations with the Bruce Lab @ UTK, and his former alma mater at the University of Groningen, they are working on the elucidation of the complexes that take part in the photosynthetic proccesses of various organisms, from algae and bacteria, to higher-order plants!
Also assisted by the Scipion development team of CSIC, with which we are always in close collaboration, in this paper they provide critical insights into the structure of a tetrameric photosystem I from Chroococcidiopsis TS-821, a thermophilic, unicellular, non-heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium!
Read this amazing work, now published in Plant Communications: “Cryo-EM structure of a tetrameric photosystem I from Chroococcidiopsis TS-821, a thermophilic, unicellular, non-heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium“.