As part of the Health theme weeks, I took part in the Back Check on June 21. I would like to share my experience here to introduce you to this special offer.
I had registered beforehand via the booking page of the university sports center, in the meantime I had given myself a password, so the registration was easy and quick.
9:45 a.m. I was supposed to start. A few minutes earlier, I arrived at the university sports center at Von-Seckendorf-Platz already changed and „armed“ with a bottle of water. The back check takes place at studiFIT, right at the door I found a signpost, great, I’m right.
Downstairs, in front of the entrance to studiFIT, I put on my indoor sneakers, and Louis Wonneberger, exercise instructor at the university sports center, came around the corner and greeted me in a very friendly manner.
At the beginning there was a little preliminary talk. He wanted to know why I was coming to the Back Check. Well, my neck often hurts, probably from sitting at the PC. Now with frequent home office even more, sometimes even with severe headaches. I do quite a bit to get the back loose and stretched again, but am I doing the right thing? Maybe I’m targeting the wrong muscle groups? I wanted to find out for myself individually and see how my back is doing.
Louis Wonneberger went through the contraindications with me, i.e. whether I had an illness that would prevent me from doing the Back Check, and then explained the rest of the procedure to me.
During the Back Check, you are “fitted” into a device against which you then work with maximum effort. The muscular force that one exerts in the process is measured. First, the device, the “Back Check according to Dr. Wolff” was adjusted to my size and everything was explained again in detail. Then we went next door to the studiFIT training room. Louis Wonneberger showed me which movements were important and we tried out a few movements. Aha, so I have to tense these muscles right away in the device as well.

Because of the previous practice, it was now easy for me to perform the movement on the apparatus as well. At first, a trial run still didn’t come with my maximum strength. Okay, it works. All good. Then we did two measurement runs to rule out a mismeasurement. Maximum force! Quite strenuous, even if only for 10 seconds! Short break in between. Wow! But all good.
Now once again the “opposite” movement.

After that Louis Wonneberger explained the next exercises to me. In total, I performed 6 different strength tests and the corresponding muscle strength was measured and transferred to the computer. Although they were all short efforts, I worked up quite a sweat!

And now the evaluation! I was excited! Louis Wonneberger printed out a sheet for me on which the muscle groups that were measured were marked in color. Green stands for normal, yellow for slightly weakened, red for strongly weakened.
Also included is an intraindividual evaluation. That is, from this you can see where there are imbalances and training is needed. Everything was explained to me in great detail.
Doesn’t look bad at all! A lot of green! And also some yellow. Aha. So these are the muscle groups I should train more in the future. I particularly liked the fact that Louis Wonnerberger took into account what I already do – yoga – and showed me a few exercises that I can use to supplement my personal yoga flow.
Motivated and sweaty, I then left. I’ll definitely keep at it, now I know exactly what I’m already doing is good and if I supplement it a bit more, maybe my neck will be better again in the future!
Many thanks to Louis Wonneberger for the friendly way and the good explanations! Maybe I will come back in a year to check what has changed.
Would you also like to participate in the Back Check? You can register for it here.