Cryo-EM combined with AI to advance our understanding of native cell extracts!

We welcome 2022 with our latest publication on Structure, on how the latest advances in AI-driven protein model prediction can help us in the interpretation of complex cryo-EM data from native cell extracts!

We are very excited about the impact of this work, as it is a prime example of how structural biologists can employ advanced AI tools to interpret their data, and how they can avoid any pitfalls during the process.

This work also was the result of a very fruitful collaboration with Grzegorz Chojnowski of EMBL Hamburg, the creator of the findMySequence algorithm as well as one of the main developpers of Arp/Warp!

You can read our publication here:
Cryo-EM and artificial intelligence visualize endogenous protein community members

21 Replies to “Cryo-EM combined with AI to advance our understanding of native cell extracts!”

  1. “Thank you for this fascinating blog post! The combination of cryo-EM and AI represents a groundbreaking approach to studying native cell extracts. It’s exciting to see how these cutting-edge technologies are pushing the boundaries of our understanding of cellular biology. Keep up the great work in sharing such innovative research!”
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  6. Thank you for highlighting the fascinating synergy between cryo-EM and AI in unraveling the complexities of native cell extracts. It’s truly remarkable how technology continues to propel our understanding of life at the molecular level.

  7. I’m glad you found the intersection of cryo-EM and AI in exploring native cell extracts intriguing! It’s incredible how these advancements synergize to deepen our comprehension of molecular life.

  8. One area that I think could benefit from more exploration is the ethical implications of these advancements. As AI becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it’s crucial that we consider the potential for biases and ensure that these technologies are developed and used responsibly.

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