The working group “Health” exists since 2011.

It was founded to manage and combine the individual steps in establishing a health management at MLU. This group plans and coordinates the analyses of the work and health situation at MLU, jointly evaluates the results, and derives appropriate measures.

The working group “Health” comprises internal university experts on the subject of work and health, the interest groups, and the chancellor. In 2020, the working group was expanded to include the employee groups, and therefore to involve representatives of the academic mid-level staff, academic support staff, and professors. They bring the perspective of these employee groups into the working group.

The following members are currently in the working group “Health”:

Markus Leber (chancellor), Dr. Alina Seidel (Head of department 3: Human Resources), Jörg Richter (Staff Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection), Ulrike Jendrezok (Company Medical Service), Yvonne Hellwig-Laich (Representative council of employees with disabilities), Annette Mettin (Staff Committee), Anke Märker (Social and Conflict Counseling), Katrin Roloff (University Sports Center), Dr. Andrea Ritschel (Family Office and Staff Office for Diversity and Equal Opportunity), Professor Annette Zeyner (professors), Michaela Kupietz und Dr. Janina Kleemann (academic mid-level staff), Ellen Reihl (academic support staff) and Judith Portius (OHM coordinator).

The working group “Health”

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