It is very nice that our paper got significant interest across media and newspapers, in the regional, national, and international levels! Some articles describing the work from my lab are listed below and can be found at >10 news agencies!
“Metabolism: Researchers first to shed light on structure of huge enzyme complex” Analytica world, IDW online, University of Halle Press Office, MLU website,, Newsbreak,, sciencemag
“Metabolism: Light shed on structure of huge enzyme complex” ScienceDaily
“Enzyme reagieren anders als gedacht” Im Blinckpunkt, BMBF
“Forscher klären erstmals Struktur von riesigem Enzymkomplex auf” VBio
“Stoffwechsel: Forscher der MLU klären Struktur von riesigem Enzymkomplex auf” HWlleAnzeiger
“New technique reveals natural structure of large enzyme complex” AZO Life Sciences