First cryo-image from our JEOL
We have collected our first image of Apoferritin under cryogenic conditions, vitrified by Fotis & Annette, on our JEOL microscope. Ice contamination is minimal!
Cryo-EM, Computation and Metabolons
We have collected our first image of Apoferritin under cryogenic conditions, vitrified by Fotis & Annette, on our JEOL microscope. Ice contamination is minimal!
The ERC president, Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, visited the Kastritis Laboratory and acquired his own electron microscopy images of native cell extracts! Below you can find the image that Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Bourguignon acquired at our JEOL-JEM3200FSC cryo-microscope For more Continue reading Visit of the ERC president in the Kastritis Laboratory
We are very pleased that our review with Prof. Anne-Claude Gavin has been finally accepted and appeared online in the community journal Essays in Biochemistry. This review is very important because it introduces the concepts behind the work that is Continue reading Paper on the organization of metabolic pathways
We are very happy to have communicated in the prestigious journal Nature Protocols along with collaborators and other developers of HADDOCK, a short descriptions on how to include cross-linking data in the modelling of protein-protein complexes. For more information, visit Continue reading Protocol paper on the usage of restraints with HADDOCK
Wow – some groundbreaking news: The University of Halle nominates Dr. Panagiotis Kastritis as the Junior Professor for cryo-Electron Microscopy of Membrane Complexes, more here: Article in the online newspaper “Campus Halensis”