Successful defence of Peter Enke

Congratulations to Peter! He defended his thesis successfully and completed the additional training program of our integrated research training group.

Title: “Dynamic and Structural Properties of Amyloid Forming and Intrinsically Disordered Polypeptide Chains Determined by Time-Resolved FRET Measurements”

Date: March 12, 2021

Successful defence of Sergei Wittchen

Congratulations to Sergei (group of M. Beiner)! He defended his thesis successfully and completed the additional training program of our integrated research training group.

Title: “Untersuchung von langfristigen Haftungs- und Wechselwirkungsmechanismen Polyurethan-basierter Beschichtungen auf thermoplastischen Substraten unter Einfluss alkoholischer und wässriger Umgebungsmedien”

Date: November 12

Successful defence of Martin Kordts

Congratulations to Martin (group of D. Hinderberger)! He defended his thesis successfully and completed the additional training program of our integrated research training group.

Title: “Hydrophobins – Investigation and control of structure formation in amphiphilic fungal proteins” .

Date: July 16, 2020

Official announcement