MATLAB Fundamentals (June 27-28, 2022)

MATLAB is a programming language and numeric computing environment that is commonly used by scientists for data analysis, modeling, and programming. This 2-days online course taught the fundamentals of MATLAB; examples and exercises were built into the material and hands-on time was be provided throughout the training to illustrate concepts and provide practice time.

Date: June 27+28, 2022 (9.00-17.00)
Location: Online workhop
Group size: 15


This workshop gave an introduction to programming with MATLAB. It was not necessary to have prior MATLAB experience, basic programming knowlegde is (as always) advantageous. As this was an online workshop, joining with camera, microphone and for a best learning experience with two monitors (or one big monitor) was recommended so participants could follow the instructions of the lecturer on one screen and do own programming on the other.

A systems check was held the day before the event for all attendees so that everyone could test their connectivity before the training day. All attendees needed to perform the systems check from the setup that they used for the training.

As a preparation, participants had to work through the 2-hour self-paced online course MATLAB Onramp prior to the training!


A highly experienced MathWorks engineer who guided through workflows, techniques, and the latest product features.

Course outline

Prework: Attendees worked through the 2-hour self-paced online course MATLAB Onramp prior to the training.

Technical test: June 22, 2022. 10.00-11.00

Day 1 – MATLAB Fundamentals

Review basic MATLAB topics from the MATLAB Onramp.
• The MATLAB Desktop and the MATLAB Editor
• Working with vector and matrix data
• Using text variables
• Using the documentation
• Creating visualizations

Tables of Data (1.5 hrs)
Import data as a MATLAB table. Work with data stored as a table.
• Storing data as a table
• Operating on tables
• Extracting data from tables
• Modifying tables

Conditional Data Selection (2.0 hrs)
Extract and analyze subsets of data that satisfy given criteria.
• Logical operations and variables
• Finding and counting
• Logical indexing

Organizing Data (1.5 hrs)
Organize table data for analysis. Represent data using appropriate native MATLAB data types.
• Combining tables of data
• Table metadata
• Using structures
• Dates and durations
• Discrete categories

Day 2 – MATLAB Fundamentals

Analyzing Data (3.5 hrs)
Perform typical data analysis tasks in MATLAB, including importing data from files, preprocessing data,
fitting a model to data, and creating a customized visualization of the model.
• Importing from spreadsheets and delimited text files
• Data preprocessing
• Customizing visualizations
• Basic and advanced model fitting
• Outlook on advanced modeling techniques in MATLAB

Increasing Automation with Programming Constructs (2.0 hrs)
Create flexible code that can interact with the user, make decisions, and adapt to different situations.
• Programming constructs
• User interaction
• Decision branching
• Loops

Increasing Automation with Functions (1.5 hrs)
Increase automation by encapsulating modular tasks as user-defined functions. Understand how MATLAB
resolves references to files and variables. Use MATLAB development tools to find and correct problems
with code.
• Creating functions
• Calling functions
• Setting the MATLAB path
• Debugging
