Compact Course “Basic teaching“ (November 28-29, 2017)

In this compact course participants got an introduction to the fundamentals of academic teaching. Special emphasis was put on teaching in natural sciences and on the “Four Laws”.

Target audience

Doctoral students, PostDocs


Participants learnt basic models of academic teaching and learning, didactics, and methodology and were able to apply them in their specific teaching scenarios. They learnt strategies for planning and implementing a teaching unit. In addition, they acquired basic knowledge about motivation, examinations, disturbances, and feedback for the students.

Four Laws of Teaching at the University

  • Write down SMART learning goals
  • Integrate Fink’s and/or Bloom’s taxonomy
  • React on different learning styles of the students
  • Use the Harvard principles for conflict management

Terms and Applications

Date: November 28-29, 2017
Time: 9am-5pm
Group size: maximal 14
Workshop language: English

Venue: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Witttenberg

November 28, 2017:
Dozentenbibliothek Öffentliches Recht (1.12)  at Juridicum | Universitätsplatz 5

November 29, 2017:
Hallischer Saal, Burse zur Tulpe | Universitätsplatz 5


Dr. Schiller is a full-time trainer for transferable skills with Schiller & Mertens. He is a “Certified Facilitator” with the Thiagi Group and member in the “Berufsverband für Training, Beratung und Coaching” (BDVT). His experience as researcher and group leader enables him to focus on the real needs of scientists. Moreover, he uses examples from everyday life in the laboratory.


    Membership status
    iRTG memberexternal

    Please contact in case of questions.

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