Successful defence of Torsten John (group of B. Abel)

Congratulations to Torsten. He defended his thesis successfully and completed the additional training program of our integrated research training group.

Title: Interaction and aggregation mechanisms of peptides at biologically relevant interfaces

Date of defence: 13.02.2020

Doctoral students seminar (January 14, 2020)

Interaction and aggregation mechanisms of peptides at biologically relevant interfaces

rehearsal by Torsten John

The aggregation of peptides into β-sheet rich oligomers and fibrils is a characteristic phenomenon observed for amyloidogenic peptides. These fibrillation processes have been linked to the onset of ageing-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease or type 2 diabetes. [1] The conditions that cause the aggregation of the soluble peptide monomers into insoluble amyloid plaques is still under investigation. Next to the physicochemical environment, surfaces have been identified to influence the aggregation kinetics. Particularly relevant are nanostructured interfaces due to their high surface-to-volume ratio, and thus large overall surface area. [2]

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Successful defence of Anton Mordvinkin (group of K. Saalwächter)

Congratulations to Anton. He defended his thesis successfully and completed the additional training program of our integrated research training group.

Title: Mechanistic investigations of dynamics in supramolecular polymer networks

Date of defence: 04.12.2019

Official announcement

[TRR 227] Debate training for the awareness for gender related topics at FU Berlin (January 20-21, 2020)

Debating equally enables women and men to discuss gender-matters. By means of explaining the advantages and disadvantages of a topic, a high analytical depth is achieved in argumentation, which helps participants to reflect their own way of thinking and to voice their opinions in daily life.


  • Finding sound arguments as well as checking their relevance
  • Building arguments in a coherent and convincing manner
  • Being able to refute solid arguments
  • Presenting oneself in a self-confident manner, even if the audience is a discerning one
  • Handling interruptions and fault-finding questions in a confident manner


Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin

Link to further information and registration