Doctoral students seminar (April 27, 2021)

Crystallization Phenomena in Individualized Polymeric Molecules as Studied by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy
by Wing-Kit Or


Dimerization of Polyglutamine chains within the PRIME20 model
by Christian Lauer

Location: zoom
Time: 15.20 – 17.00
Chair: Twinkle Bhatia

Crystallization Phenomena in Individualized Polymeric Molecules as Studied by Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy
Wing-Kit Or

Crystallization of confined polymer chains has been studied in different forms of confinement, for instance droplets, thin films and nano-layers. However, crystallization of polymeric chains has not yet been discussed extensively. Broadband dielectric spectroscopy is an experimental method which can measure signals induced by nanostructure samples. With reference of other publications, it can be applied for the investigation in crystallization.

Dimerization of Polyglutamine chains within the PRIME20 model
by Christian Lauer

Proteins folding into non-native, misfolded states causes amyloid formation. For some proteins this amyloid formation is directly linked to neurodegenerative diseases, e.g. Huntington’s Disease for Polyglutamine. The advanced simulation technique of Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo facilitates a thermodynamic and structural analysis of the aggregation behavior of polymer chains. With the help of the intermediate resolution protein model PRIME20 this is applied to Polyglutamine chains.