Doctoral students seminar (February 26, 2019)

Mozhdeh Abbasi on “Low-field NMR investigations of polymer immobilization in nanocomposites”
Fabio Müller on “Monte Carlo Simulation of the adsorption of P3HT to a Silver Substrate”

Continue reading “Doctoral students seminar (February 26, 2019)”

Successful defence of Marie-Luise Trutschel (group of K. Saalwächter)

Congratulations to Marie. She defended her thesis successfully and completed the additional training program of our integrated research training group.

Title: NMR-Untersuchungen von Polymerschmelzen

Date: 25.01.2019 at 10.00 am
Location: Room 1.04, Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, 06120 Halle

Official announcement

[in conjunction with IMPRS-STNS] Good scientific practice seminar (January 23, 2019)

This seminar presented the basic principles and rules of good scientific practice. Fundamentals of scientific work, i.e. professional standards and documentation of results, were discussed. Further topics were handling of primary data (backup and storing) and scientific publications (authorship and scam journals). Also management of research data, following the FAIR principles was briefly introduced. The then recent examples of scientific misconduct illustrated the official procedures at the institutions and possible consequences. The rules apply worldwide and for all subjects and every researcher at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics has to comply with these rules. 

Target audience

Doctoral students and PostDocs Continue reading “[in conjunction with IMPRS-STNS] Good scientific practice seminar (January 23, 2019)”

Diffusion Fundamentals VIII (DF8) in Erlangen (September 1-5, 2019)

The international conference “Diffusion Fundamentals VIII” will take place in Erlangen, Germany, from 1st to 5th September 2019 and is organized by the Institute of Advanced Optical Technologies – Thermophysical Properties (AOT-TP).

As a motto of the conference, the subtitle “Diffusion Phenomena Moving People” should point out that  …

  • … dedicated scientists from many different fields pursue their diffusion-related research with unlimited passion,
  • … not only the random movement of molecules, but also of, e.g., particles, words, information, and people can be described by diffusive transport, and
  • … experts from many diffusion-related research areas are hopefully motivated to travel to Erlangen for the next issue of the fruitful Diffusion Fundamentals conference series.

Website of the conference

[TRR67] “Synthesis Club (basic)“, at UL (January 30 – February 01, 2019)

The 3-day seminar “Synthesis Club (basic)” introduced the students in
modern synthesis methods, e.g. biodegradable polymers for scaffold
applications, carbohydrate production and functionalization.

Registration closed!

Further information can be found in the detailed program.