iRTG Certificates awarded to Markus

Congratulations to Arthur Markus Anton. He defended his thesis (Infrarotspektroskopie zur Strukturanalyse weicher Materie) successfully on November 15th 2016. As he has passed the additional training program Markus has been awarded the certificate of our integrated research training group “Polymers: random coils and beyond”.


Dr. Anton, Arthur Markus – Experimental physics (Kremer, UL)

Title of thesis: “Infrarotspektroskopie zur Strukturanalyse weicher Materie”

Date of defence: November 15th, 2016

Research topic: Structure-property relationships in spider silk


  • Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) (temperature, pressure, orientation)

TRR67 IGK – Modul “Molecular Modelling” (05-16.12.2016) at UL

Molecular Modelling: HIGH THROGHPUT SCREENING IN DRUG DISCOVERY, led by Prof. Dr. Jens Meiler and Prof. Dr. David Weaver (Vanderbilt University); took place on December 05-16, 2016 from 9:00 to 12:00 in Leipzig.

This course provided the participants with a general introduction to theoretical and practical aspects of drug discovery with a focus on computer-aided drug discovery and high throughput screening.

Registrations closed!

Program molecular modeling 2016

Good scientific practice seminar

Every scientist doing research at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the University of Leipzig has to comply with the rules of good scientific practice.

In this workshop principles of good scientific practice, e.g. professional standards such as honesty and openness, as well as data preparation and documentation were discussed.
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