Doctoral students seminar (September 15, 2020)

Dynamics and charge transport in individualized macromolecules
by Alaa Hassan

Synthesis and Incorporation of Photoswitches into Amyloidogenic Peptides
by André Paschold

Location: MLUconf
Time: 15.20 – 17.00

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Doctoral students seminar (April 29, 2020)

Insights into the Mechanism of Amyloid Fibril Formation of the Parathyroid Hormone
by Bruno Voigt

Investigation of long-term adhesion and interaction mechanisms of polyurethane-based coatings on thermoplastic substrates under the influence of alcoholic and aqueous ambient media
by Sergei Wittchen

Location: Online, via WebEx
Time: 3.20pm-5.00pm

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Doctoral students seminar (February 25, 2020)

Investigating chaperone activity and gelation of human aB eye lens crystallin protein using solid state NMR
by Maria Camilles

Halbleitende Blockcopolymere und Modellsysteme: Der Einfluss von molekularem Aufbau und molekularer Dynamik auf die Strukturbildung (Rehearsal) by Matthias Fischer

Location: Halle University, von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, SR 1.03
Time: 3.20pm-5.00pm

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Doctoral students seminar (January 14, 2020)

Interaction and aggregation mechanisms of peptides at biologically relevant interfaces

rehearsal by Torsten John

The aggregation of peptides into β-sheet rich oligomers and fibrils is a characteristic phenomenon observed for amyloidogenic peptides. These fibrillation processes have been linked to the onset of ageing-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease or type 2 diabetes. [1] The conditions that cause the aggregation of the soluble peptide monomers into insoluble amyloid plaques is still under investigation. Next to the physicochemical environment, surfaces have been identified to influence the aggregation kinetics. Particularly relevant are nanostructured interfaces due to their high surface-to-volume ratio, and thus large overall surface area. [2]

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