Category: News
Guided Tour through the Freiraum Galerie (May 27, 2018)
2nd Changchun and Halle-Leipzig Discussion Seminar on Polymer Science at Campus Halensis
Polymer scientisits from the State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry of the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry visited our CRC for the further establishment and strengthening of collaborations between the State Key Laboratory and Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and Leipzig University.
Link to article at Campus Halensis (in German, April 12 2018)
58. DPG-Wochenendseminar „Physiker/Innen im Beruf“ (May 4-6, 2018)
im: Physikzentrum, Hauptstraße 5, 53604 Bad Honnef
Der Übergang von der Hochschule in die berufliche Karriere fällt vielen Universitätsabsolventen erfahrungsgemäß schwer, da sie oftmals weder mit den Anforderungen noch den Abläufen in der Industrie vertraut sind. Dieses vom Regionalverband Hessen-Mittelrhein-Saar organisierte Seminar soll Ihnen durch Erfahrungsberichte etablierter Physiker wie auch Anfänger aus Industrie und Forschung die Möglichkeit einer Orientierung bieten. Bei der Auswahl der Vortragenden wurde Wert darauf gelegt, möglichst verschiedene Arbeitsgebiete abzudecken, um Ihnen das breite Einsatzspektrum des Physikers darzustellen.
Science Slam zum „Tag der Promotion“ am 19. April 2018 in Leipzig
Production of organic foils – Insights into industrial research
Young scientists from the Collaborative Research Centre “Polymers under Multiple Constraints” (SFB/TRR 102) were able to experience the production of multilayer films from biopolymers at the Schwarzheide Biopolymer Processing Center. The physicists and chemists learned about the potential and challenges biopolymers present for the packaging industry on February 21,2018 when they visited the site of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP in Schwarzheide.
Source: Press release Fraunhofer IAP / 23.2.2018 (in German)
From Basic Science and Applications to Technologies inspired by Nature
RACIRI 2018 SUMMER SCHOOL (25.08. – 1.09.2018)
Rügen Island, Germany
About RACIRI Summer Schools
RACIRI Summer Schools offer a unique training for young researchers in materials and life science, who utilize neutrons and X-rays. Their general theme is “Advanced Materials Design at X-ray and Neutron Facilities”.
RACIRI Summer Schools address mainly PhD students, master (diploma) students in their final research year, and young postdoctoral researchers from institutions predominantly of the three partner countries.
Continue reading “From Basic Science and Applications to Technologies inspired by Nature”
7-11 May 2018, San Sebastián – Spain
Organized by: Materials Physics Center (CFM), joint center of the Spanish Research Council (CSIC) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
The course is open to graduate students and researchers in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or Biology.
The laboratory course will consist of lectures and experimental sessions. The lectures will include an introduction to polarization theory, dielectric materials and instrumentation. Selected experiments on soft-matter and polymers will be conducted and analyzed by the participants. Furthermore, there will be an Invited Tutorial on a specific topic involving intensively dielectric relaxation experiments.
It is the aim of the course to introduce participants into the dielectric relaxation experimental techniques and its applications in soft-condensed matter research.
Registration now open
I, Scientist Conference on Gender, Career Paths and Networking on 25-26 May 2018 in Berlin
The conference is designed by and for students and young researchers in the natural sciences and mathematics. Its mission is to increase the visibility of female role models, introduce you to a variety of career options, and give you a dedicated time for networking and establishing useful contacts.
Prof. Dr. Katharina Landfester will talk about the changes she instilled within her workplace as the director of Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, creating gender-equal place for all of her employees and improving their work-life balance.