Talk by P. Enke at MLU (March 14, 2017)

Effect of Different Crowding Agents on Structure and Dynamics of Unfolded Proteins

The interior of a cell is completely filled with molecules like proteins, lipids, RNA, and more which can act as crowders. The so-called macromolecular crowding plays an important role in the dynamics and the structure of proteins, especially unfolded proteins and polypeptide chains.

To investigate the influence of crowder agents on the dynamics and structure of unfolded polypeptide chains we performed time-resolved ensemble FRET experiments with different sizes of crowders and different unfolded polypeptide chains.

The results show two different effects of crowders on polypeptide chains. First, the size of crowders determines how large the effect on the dynamics of polypeptide chains is. Second, the effect of friction partially caused by the crowder is determined by the size of crowder agents as well. Furthermore the results from FRET experiment show a different relationship of solvent friction and internal friction compared to the most published data.

Location: MLU, Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, SR 1.03
Time: 3.30pm

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