This module addressed doctoral students in chemistry, physics, biophysics, and related fields without much prior knowledge or experience in scattering theory and experiments. It introduced the basic theoretical and technical concepts of applications of x-ray small angle and wide angle scattering in polymer science.
During the first day of the two-day program the necessary theoretical knowledge were communicated in a series of lectures accompanied by discussions of selected applications and problems. The program of the 2nd day consisted of hands-on experiments and demonstrations in the lab followed by a tutorial in which the acquired knowledge was used for the analysis of the measured data.
- Basic principles of scattering theory: relation between real space structures and scattering patterns, crystal lattices and Bragg reflections, effect of small crystal size, disorder effects, particle scattering.
- Technical aspects of x-ray scattering: x-ray sources, monochromators, detectors, typical experimental setups.
Hands-on lab course:
- Wide angle x-ray scattering: exemplary scattering patterns of a semicrystalline polymer, determination of crystal lattice parameters, crystal size and crystallinity (qualitative).
- Small angle x-ray scattering: Scattering from polymer solutions (determination of size of a protein, study of mesoscopic structures (semicrystalline morphology)
Recommendations for literature
- R.J. Roe, Methods of X-Ray and neutron scattering in polymer science, Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 2000
- Textbooks on solid state physics, e.g. Kittel, Ashcroft Mermin,….
Terms and Applications
Date: February 13-14, 2018
Time: 9-5pm
Venue: MLU, Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, SR 1.04 (February 13, 2018)
Group size: maximal 8
Language: English
Dr. Oleksandr Dolynchuk, Dr. Maria Ott, Prof. Dr. Thomas Thurn-Albrecht
Registration complete
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