Introduction to Calorimetry (June 27-28, 2018)


This module addressed doctoral students in chemistry, physics, biophysics, and related fields without much prior knowledge or experience in calorimetry. It introduced the basic theoretical and technical concepts necessary for an understanding of calorimetry in general and the application to polymer science in special.


Each day of the two-day program started with a series of lectures in the morning covering the theoretical knowledge by basic lectures and the discussion of applications and problems. It was followed by hands-on experiments on typical polymer samples and demonstrations of the different calorimeter devices during the afternoon.


  • basic principles of calorimetry, modulated techniques, fast and ultrafast chip calorimetry, applications to nucleation, crystallization and glass transition
  • technical aspects of calorimetry, typical measurement conditions and experimental setups, influence of sample and measurement conditions

Hands-on lab course:

  • DSC Measurement of typical polymer samples for determination of crystallization and glass transition parameter
  • Demonstration of fast scanning calorimetry with typical applications to polymers

Recommendations for literature

  • Höhne, G., Hemminger, W. F., Flammersheim, H.-J.; Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2003)
  • Zhuravlev, E.; Schick, C.; Fast scanning power compensated differential scanning nano-calorimeter, TCA 505 1-2 (2010) 1-21
  • Toda, A., Androsch, R., Schick, C.; Insights into polymer crystallization and melting from fast scanning chip calorimetry, Polymer 91 (2016) 239-263

Terms and Applications

Date and time:
June 27, 9:00 – 17:00
June 28, 9:00 – 14:00

IMWS Walter-Hülse-Straße 1
Room WHS 2.010

Group size: maximal 10
Language: English


Dr. Heiko Huth,  Prof. Dr. Mario Beiner

Registration completed


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