Please register for the lecture and check if the information given below is till up to date. As most of the lectures are held online this semester, also PhD students from Halle university might participate. Please contact the responsible lecturer in advance!
Receptor Biochemistry – Beck-Sickinger/Mörl
[MA Chem.]
Tue: 8.30-10.00 (starting April 13, 2021)
Selected Topics of NMR Spectroscopy – Matysik
[MA Chem.]
Fri, 8.15 – 9.45 Uhr
NMR Spectroskopie: Prinzipien, Konzepte und Anwendungen – Matysik
[MA Chem.]
Tue, 9.15 – 10.45 Uhr
Supramolekulare Chemie – Kersting
[MA Chem.]
Wed 8.15-9.45
Advanced soft matter and biological physics – Schnauß
[MA Phys]
Tue 11.00-12.45
Active Matter Physics -Cichos
[MA Phys]
Wed 15.15-16.45
Experimental Methods in Biophysics – Seidel/Treß
[BA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Wed 13.15-14.45
Experimental Methods in Biophysics – Mierke
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Thu 13.30-15.00
Biological Physics – Mierke
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Thu 11.00-12.30