Regular lectures UL – SoSe 2023

This is a list of lectures taking place during the summer semester at the Institute of Chemistry and the Peter Debye-Institute that we think might be interesting for you. Please check the course catalogue of UL yourself to confirm that the lecture takes place this semester and to find out when and where it takes place.

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iRTG retreat (April 19, 2023)

During our final iRTG meeting in Wittenberg, we will focus on the career options of polymer scientists after the PhD. There will be plenty of opportunity for exchange and networking with our guests (alumni, invited speakers) to get an insight into their jobs and talk about their experiences.

In the afternoon, there will be a social activity and we will have dinner together. We will stay in the Leucorea for the next two days for the SFB-retreat.

  • Date: April 19, 2023
  • Venue: Leucorea Wittenberg, Collegienstraße 62, 06886 Wittenberg
    (room: SR 10)
  • Language: English
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iRTG Program SoSe 2023

Doctoral students seminar

May 4, 2023: Erik Schreck (rehearsal)
May 23, 2023: Marthinus van Niekerk and Rene Sattler
June 2023: t.b.a.

Workshops and meetings
Workshops by partners

[IAMO] What is next: career planning after PhD (March 8-9, 2023)

This training organized by IAMO Graduate School gives doctoral researchers and postdocs insights into the structure of career paths in academia, in public service outside academia and in the private sector – with a focus on the German labor market. It supports participants in giving sufficient thought to when and on what basis they should decide for or against a career in science. Participants will also become aware of their personal interests, values and competences and how this knowledge can be used to find the appropriate jobs.

Continue reading “[IAMO] What is next: career planning after PhD (March 8-9, 2023)”

[yDiv] The power of saying no (Webinar on February 17, 2023)

When everything feels like an opportunity, a priority, or an obligation, how do we say no? The truth is we cannot start saying no until we get clear on why we keep saying yes to everything.

In our webinar “The power of saying no” with lecturer Desiree Dickerson on 17 February, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm, you will explore:

  • why we tend to say yes (people-pleasing, scarcity and uncertainty, perceived opportunities, regret minimisation, emotion, obligation, the path of least resistance)
  • the impacts of saying yes to everything: time poverty, exhaustion, loss of self and loss of joy for what we do
  • why we need to start saying no
  • how to start saying no (clear boundaries and priorities, with confidence and without guilt)

You can register here by 13 February. You are welcome to forward this link to interested colleagues.

Writing Day (February 28, 2023)

We meet in a seminar room to work undisturbed on our manuscripts and, if necessary, to discuss writing problems during breaks.

During a normal working day there are always interruptions and distractions and the work on the text is delayed. The goal of this day is to spend a few hours writing in a concentrated manner. There will be coffee and cookies, please bring your notebook and preferably have a clear idea or defined task for your manuscript.

date: February 28, 8.30-14.30
location: VSP1, 5.09
who: everyone working on a text (manuscript/report/thesis/…)