Successful defence of Benno Werlich (group of W. Paul)

Congratulations to Benno. He defended his thesis successfully and completed the additional training program of our integrated research training group.

Title: Intramolekulare Strukturbildung durch Steifigkeitsvariation und Auswirkung der Anwesenheit von spezifischen Wechselwirkungen

Date: 15.05.2018 at 4.00 pm
Location: Room 1.09, Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, 06120 Halle

Official announcement

[TRR67. IGK] Modul Biomaterial Design (basic) June 13 – 15, 2018 in Dresden

The 3-day seminar provided the theoretical and practical knowledge for the implementation of complex biomedical requirements in hybrid biomaterials, for the biomaterials chemical, physicochemical, and materials scientific properties and stability.

Registrations closed!

For more Information please check the website of TRR 67.

Introduction to Calorimetry (June 27-28, 2018)


This module addressed doctoral students in chemistry, physics, biophysics, and related fields without much prior knowledge or experience in calorimetry. It introduced the basic theoretical and technical concepts necessary for an understanding of calorimetry in general and the application to polymer science in special.


Each day of the two-day program started with a series of lectures in the morning covering the theoretical knowledge by basic lectures and the discussion of applications and problems. It was followed by hands-on experiments on typical polymer samples and demonstrations of the different calorimeter devices during the afternoon. Continue reading “Introduction to Calorimetry (June 27-28, 2018)”

Successful defence of Felix Hoffmann (group of D. Sebastiani)

Congratulations to Felix. He defended his thesis successfully and completed the additional training program of our integrated research training group.

Title: Structural Driving Forces and Their Spectroscopic Signatures: From Protonation Dynamics to Amyloid Formation

Date: 23.04.2018 at 3.00 pm
Location: Room 2.12, Von-Danckelmann-Platz 1, 06120 Halle

Official announcement

International summer school on “Thermodynamics and Energetics in Soft Matter Systems” July 24-26, 2018 at Grenoble

The international summer school on “Thermodynamics and Energetics in Soft Matter Systems”  will take place from the 24th to 26th July 2018 at the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France.

The aim of the school is to provide an overview of the forces governing the behavior of soft matter systems and introducing the most relevant techniques to probe such interactions. The school proposes frontal lectures given by recognized experts from all over Europe. For full details see the flyer or the website:

Due to the limited number of available places, pre-registration by the 20th of May is required. A short description of research activity and a CV should be sent to The organising committee will examine your application and inform you in June 2018.

2nd Changchun and Halle-Leipzig Discussion Seminar on Polymer Science at Campus Halensis

Polymer scientisits from the State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry of the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry visited our CRC for the further establishment and strengthening of collaborations between the State Key Laboratory and Martin Luther University Halle-​Wittenberg and Leipzig University.

Link to article at Campus Halensis (in German, April 12 2018)