Regular lectures UL – SoSe 2016


Receptor Biochemistry – Beck-Sickinger
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
30.03. – 02.04.2015 block course, 9.00 am Kl. Hörsaal – Brüderstr. 34
13.04. – 01.06.2015 Monday, 8.30 – 10.00, Kl. Hörsaal – Brüderstr. 34, first floor

Spectroscopy – Bertmer
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Wed 10.15-11.45, Thu 13.15-14.45, R101

Selected Topics of NMR Spectroscopy – Matysik
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Fri, 8.15 – 9.45 Uhr, 13.00-13.45 R 101

Recent Trends in Chemistry – Siefermann, Arnold, Varga
[MA Adv. Spect. in Chem]
Mon, 8.30 – 10.00 Uhr, R 101


Advanced Statistical Physics – Behn
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Wed 13.30-15.00, Fri 11.00-12.30, Linnestr. 5, KlHS

Theory of Soft and Bio Matter – Kroy
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Mon 13.30-15.00, Wed 11.00-12.30, Linnestr. 5 SR 225

Experimental Methods in Biophysics – Mierke
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Thu 13.30-15.00, Linnestr. 5 SR 224

Academic Writing – May 30, 2016

For many young scientists writing is the most difficult part of research work. Poor structure, breakneck formulations and unclear argumentation lead to texts which are not too user friendly. However, for the success of academics it is essential that the content is successfully conveyed to the relevant target groups – from the subject community to the wider public.

The methods and instruments of scientific writing can be learnt. With a few select mechanisms for structuring and techniques for building arguments, it becomes possible to articulate even complex data clearly and comprehensibly. Coherently built up and convincingly formulated, even academic texts can be an exciting read!

Continue reading “Academic Writing – May 30, 2016”

Doctoral Students Seminar SoSe 2016

date/time speaker title location
12. April 2016 3.30pm Kurz NMR-Investigations of Semicrystalline Polymer Systems PEO and PCL MLU, VDP 3, SR 1.03
10. May 2016 3.30pm Böker Thermodynamic simulation of single proteins by Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo MLU, VDP3 SR 1.09
14. June 2016 3.00pm Bekçioğlu Proton Dynamics and Water Wires from First-Principles Calculations (rehearsal) MLU, VDP3, SR 1.03
05. July 2016 Frenzel Molecular dynamics and charge transport in Polymeric Ionic Liquids UL, Linnestr. 5, SR 221
23. Aug 2016 Kordts Spectroscopic characterization of the hydrophobin-SC3-self-assembly process at interfaces MLU, VDP 3, SR 1.03
20. Sep 2016 Wicht Conformational dynamics of α-helices follow an Einstein-type 1-D boundary diffusion mechanism. UL, Linnestr. 5, SR 221

Introduction to Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymers – April 27-28, 2016


This ATM focused on two methods of computer simulation, the Monte Carlo method and Molecular Dynamics simulations. The aim of this module was to give an insight into theoretical foundations and the practical work of these two methods.


Each day of the two-days program started with lectures in the morning, followed by computer simulations at the computer pool during the afternoon. Continue reading “Introduction to Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polymers – April 27-28, 2016”