iRTG posts

[PhD – What’s coming next?] Alumni talk (October 27, 2020)

Our alumnus Ricardo will share his experiences with assessment centers and offer an insight into his job as a lab manager in plastics industries.

Date: October 27, 17.15-18.30
Venue: the link to the Zoom-meeting will be published here on October 27 and send to you via email

Doctoral students seminar (September 29, 2020)

Rehearsal by Sergei Wittchen “Untersuchung von langfristigen Haftungs- und Wechselwirkungsmechanismen Polyurethan-basierter Beschichtungen auf thermoplastischen Substraten unter Einfluss alkoholischer und wässriger Umgebungsmedien”

Location: MLUconf
Date: September 29, 15.20


How to convince in the job interview [by InGrA] (October 5-6, 2020)

If you made it to the job interview you are already very successful: you wrote a convincing application. Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go, not least because, as face-to-face situations, job interviews are much less controllable than written applications. In this workshop, participants learnt how to prepare job interviews. And we practiced them.

This online Workshop was organized by InGrA. For more information and registration visit the InGrA page.

Diversity in Science

Our alumnus Torsten John (IOM Leipzig) co-authored the comment “A diverse view of science to catalyse change” which was co-published in Nature Chemistry (, Chemical Science ( ), Journal of the American Chemical Society ( ), Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( ), Canadian Journal of Chemistry ( ), and Croatica Chemica Acta ( ).

The accompanying community blog “Diverse Views in Science” is accessible via: 


Doctoral students seminar (December 1, 2020)

Study of interfacial layer in polymer nanocomposite by proton solid state NMR
by Mozhdeh Abbasi

Organization and interactions of eye-lens crystallins
by Malte Neudorf

Location: MLUconf
Time: 15.20 – 17.00
Chair: Yu Qiang
