iRTG posts

Enabling Entrepreneurship: From Science to Practice (December 11, 2019)

Within this workshop, you are introduced to world of entrepreneurs as scientists.

Target audience

Doctoral students and postdocs


  • Scientist’s self-reflection as an entrepreneur
  • Entrepreneur’s Toolbox
    • Project Management
    • Creative (Product) Development Methods
  • Planning Your Business
    • Translating a research outcome to a practically usable solution
    • Business Model Canvas
    • Organization
  • Financing Your Business
    • Finance models
    • Pitch-Deck
  • Roll-out
  • Company tour Lab-on-Fiber GmbH


Surviving in academia – how to maintain mental wellbeing in the scientific field (November 7, 2019)


Navigating through the academic world can often be challenging and sometimes negatively affect your mental wellbeing. However, there are also many reliable ways to alleviate prolonged stress and pressure. This event seeks to inform you about the most common challenges in academia and ways to handle them. Keynotes, workshops, a podium discussion and an opportunities fair with professionals, researchers and PhD/Postdoc representatives will give a comprehensive outlook on the topic. In addition, there will be the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences as well as to network at the get-together afterwards (food and drinks will be provided). (more…)