Doctoral students seminar (April 24, 2018)

Varun Danke on “Structure formation in nanophase-separated polymers with lamellar morphology: Comb-like vs linear precision polymers”

and Arne Böker on “Loop formation of polyglutamines in the PRIME20 model”

Continue reading “Doctoral students seminar (April 24, 2018)”

Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy – May 2/3, 2018


This module for physicists and chemists introduced the basic concepts in molecular spectroscopy, i.e. Infrared (IR), (surface enhanced) Raman spectroscopy with imaging options and Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Optical Microscopy, Superresolution Microscopy and Single Molecule Fluorescence Detection. Continue reading “Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy – May 2/3, 2018”

Academic Writing – July 10-11, 2018

For many young scientists writing is the most difficult part of research work. Poor structure, breakneck formulations and unclear argumentation lead to texts which are not too user friendly. However, for the success of academics it is essential that the content is successfully conveyed to the relevant target groups – from the subject community to the wider public. Continue reading “Academic Writing – July 10-11, 2018”

Career workshop: How to write a persuasive job application – how to convince it in the job interview (June 19-20, 2018)

Scientists make a lot of mistakes as soon as they start to apply outside science. This workshop was aimed at helping scientists in writing a convincing application and to be successful in the job interview.

Continue reading “Career workshop: How to write a persuasive job application – how to convince it in the job interview (June 19-20, 2018)”

Funding Opportunities for Early Career Scientists with focus on DFG Research Grants (June 7, 2018)

Within this workshop we guided participants shortly through the funding programs of the German research association and other research funding organizations of relevance. Aim of the seminar was to shed light on the detailed structure, important points to make one’s proposal competitive as well as all formal aspects of the DFG-proposal (Basic Module & Module Temporary Positions for Principal Investigators). Continue reading “Funding Opportunities for Early Career Scientists with focus on DFG Research Grants (June 7, 2018)”

Time and Self-Management (May 28, 2018)

Time-management is not something just theoretical: understanding the principles it is essential but the application to day by day life is what really matters. Therefore, this course was divided in two workshops separated by roughly a month. During the time in between participants had the opportunity to try the techniques and principles learned in the first workshop. In same cases it was just about observing their processes and behaviors with a new understanding. During the second workshop we built upon their observations and experiences: Continue reading “Time and Self-Management (May 28, 2018)”

Regular lectures UL – SoSe 2018


Receptor Biochemistry – Beck-Sickinger/Mörl
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Wed-Fri, 04.-06.04.2018: 09.00 – 10.30, 10.45 – 12.15
Tuesday, 10.04.-12.06.2018: 8.30 – 10.00
Kl. Hörsaal – Brüderstr. 34

Selected Topics of NMR Spectroscopy – Matysik
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Fri, 8.15 – 9.45 Uhr, R 101

Supramolekulare Chemie – Kersting
[MA Chem.]
Wed 8.15-9.45, kl. HS

Strukturelle Biochemie – Sträter
[MA Chem.]
Thu 13.30-15.00, HS 1.3 BBZ


Advanced soft matter and biological physics – Schnauß
[MA Phys]
Tue 11.00-12.30, Linnestr. 5 SR 224

Experimental Methods in Biophysics – Mierke
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Thu 13.30-15.00, Linnestr. 5 SR 224

Biological Physics – Mierke
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Wed 13.30-15.00, Linnestr. 5 SR 224

Regular lectures MLU – SoSe 2018


Theoretical polymer physics – Paul
[MA Phy]
Mon 11.15-12.45, VDP3 1.04

Spektroskopische Methoden – Balbach/Hempel/Miclea
[BA Phy]
Thu 15.15-16.45, VDP3 1.04

Experimentelle Methoden der Polymerphysik – Beiner
[MA Phy]
Tue 11.15-12.45, VDP1 2.12

Biophysik – Reichert
[MA Phy]
Mon 8.15-11.45, BHS7 214

Einführung in die Bildverarbeitung -Posch
[MA Phy]
Wed 8.15-10.45, VSP1 3.31


Physikalische Chemie II – Kreßler
[BA Chem]
Mon 11.15-12.00, Fri 10.15-11.45, HS-Ch TLS 1.01

Physikalische Chemie III – Hinderberger
Mon 13.15-14.45, VDP1 2.12
Wed 16.00-17.30, VDP1 2.12

Theoretische Chemie – Sebastiani
[BA Chem]
Mon 11.00-12.15, 13.00-14.00, VDP3 1.12

Biochemie – Heilmann/Baginsky
[BA MedPhy]
Mon 16.15-17.45, VSP1 3.28

Polymer materials science

Soft Condensed Matter Physics – Reichert
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Wed 8.15-9.45, VDP3 1.06
Thu 8.15-9.45, VDP3 1.12/VDP4 1.27

Polymer Testing – Langer
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Fri 9.15-10.45, MER FO 131/3/305

Polymer Characterization – Kreßler/Binder
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 8.15-9.45 VDP1 2.12

Physical Chemistry – Hinderberger/Haeri
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Mon 8.15-9.45, VSP1 1.26

Introduction to Polymer Physics – Ott
(basic math. tools needed for polymer physics)
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 10.15-11.00, VDP3 1.04
Wed 10.15-11.45, VDP3 1.04

Polymer Structure and Morphology – Beiner
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 11.15-12.45, VDP1 2.12

Advanced Polymer Synthesis – Binder
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 14.15-15.45, VDP3 1.04

Processing of Polymer Blends and Composits – Michel
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Thu 8.15-9.45, VSP1 1.23

Polymer Analytics – Binder
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 13.15-14.00, VDP4 1.27

Polymer Surface Science – Förster
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Wed 12.15-13.45, VDP1 2.12