Regular lectures MLU – WiSe 2019/20


Introduction to polymer physics – Thurn-Albrecht/Schulz
[M.Sc. Phy]
Wed 10.15-11.00, VDP3 3.16
Thu 8.15-9.45, VDP3 1.12

Bildgebung und CT – Laufer
[M.Sc. Med. Phy]
Tue 10-12, VsP1 1.26

Biophysik – Balbach
[M.Sc. Phy]
Wed 12.15-13.45, VDP3 1.04

Statistische Physik – Henk
[M.Ed. Phy]
Tue 10.15-11.45, VSP1 1.02

Einführung in die NMR-Spektroskopie – Saalwächter/Balbach/Krushelnitzky
[M.Sc. Phy]
Mon 14.15-15.45, VDP3 1.06


Physikalische Chemie (Thermodyn./Kinetik/Elektrochem.) – Bacia
[B.Sc. Chem]
Fri 13.00-15.30, VDP4 1.27

Physikalische Chemie I – Sebastiani
[B.Sc. Chem]
Thu 15.15-16.45, Ch TLS 1.01
Fri 9.15-10.00, VSP1 1.26

Physikalische Chemie der Polymere – Kreßler
Tue 15.15-16.45, VDP4 1.27

Grundlagen der Chemie der Polymere und Makromoleküle – Binder
[B.Sc Chem]
Mon 13.15-14.45, VDP1 2.12 Continue reading “Regular lectures MLU – WiSe 2019/20”

iRTG lecture series by Ralph Colby (October 28/30, 2019) | part 2 and 3

Polyelectrolyte Solutions: The least understood form of condensed matter

by Ralph H. Colby, The Pennsylvania State University, USA

Polyelectrolytes are polymer chains with covalently bonded ions and oppositely charge counterions. The combination of electrostatic interactions and conformational entropy of polymer chains led Nobel Laureate de Gennes to term this class of materials as the least understood form of condensed matter. Yet polyelectrolytes are essential for life, as DNA and RNA are both polyelectrolytes. Continue reading “iRTG lecture series by Ralph Colby (October 28/30, 2019) | part 2 and 3”

Two lectures on “Current trends of electronics and a study of defects in materials for semiconductor devices” (June 20/21, 2019)

by Akira Uedono, University of Tsukuba


In the past four decades, we have witnessed quick and large growth of the semiconductor industry, and how it has driven advances in communication, energy, health care, and security. Now it becomes the indispensable technology of our society. This great success of electronic industries was attributed to continuous and aggressive downsizing of the metal–oxide– semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFET). Another important achievement was light emitting diodes (LED) and semiconductor lasers based on compound semiconductors, which resulted in 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics for the development of efficient blue GaN LEDs (Akasaki, Amano, and Nakamura). Here, widegap semiconductors, especially group-III nitrides, played an important role, and they are now ready to use for power electronics, which expected to give a large impact on our society again. Continue reading “Two lectures on “Current trends of electronics and a study of defects in materials for semiconductor devices” (June 20/21, 2019)”

Regular lectures MLU – SoSe 2019


Soft Condensed Matter Physics – Saalwächter
[BA Phy]
Wed 8.15-9.45, VSP1 1.26

Theoretische Physik IV: Statistische Thermodynamik – Hergert
[BA Phy]
Wed 10.15-11.45, VSP1 1.26

Statistische Physik – Ivanov
[MA Phy]
Fri 8.15-9.45, VSP1 1.26

Theoretical polymer physics – Ivanov
[MA Phy]
Mon 11.15-12.45, VDP3 1.04

Spektroskopische Methoden – Balbach/Krushelnitsky/Miclea/Saalwächter
[BA Phy]
Thu 15.15-16.45, VDP3 1.04

Experimentelle Methoden der Polymerphysik – Beiner
[MA Phy]
Tue 11.15-12.45, VDP1 2.12

Biophysik – Reichert
[MA Phy]
Mon 8.15-11.45, BHS7 214

Einführung in die Bildverarbeitung -Posch
[MA Phy]
Wed 8.15-10.45, VSP1 3.31


Physikalische Chemie II – Kreßler
[BA Chem]
Mon 11.15-12.00, Fri 10.15-11.45, HS-Ch TLS 1.01 Continue reading “Regular lectures MLU – SoSe 2019”

Regular lectures UL – SoSe 2019


Receptor Biochemistry – Beck-Sickinger/Mörl
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Mon, 01.04.: 10.45 – 12.15
Tue, 02.04.:8.30-12.00

Tuesday, 09.04.-18.06.2019: 8.30 – 10.00
Kl. Hörsaal – Brüderstr. 34

Selected Topics of NMR Spectroscopy – Matysik
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Fri, 8.15 – 9.45 Uhr, R 101

Supramolekulare Chemie – Kersting
[MA Chem.]
Wed 8.15-9.45, kl. HS

Strukturelle Biochemie – Sträter
[MA Chem.]
Thu 13.30-15.00, HS 1.3 BBZ


Advanced soft matter and biological physics – Schnauß
[MA Phys]
Tue 11.00-12.30, Linnestr. 5 SR 221

Experimental Methods in Biophysics – Mierke
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Thu 13.30-15.00, Linnestr. 5 SR 224

Biological Physics – Mierke
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Wed 13.30-15.00, Linnestr. 5 SR 224

Regular lectures UL – WiSe 2018/19


Protein Crystallography – Sträter
[M.Sc. Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Tue or Thu 17.15-18.45, seminar room at BBZ (on appointment)

Bioorganic Chemistry – Beck-Sickinger
[M.Sc. Adv Spec in Chem]
Mon 8.30-10.00, Kl. Hörsaal / Brüderstr. 34

NMR on Biosystems – Matysik
[M.Sc. Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Thu 10.15-11.45, R 115

NMR Spektroskopie: Prinzipien, Konzepte und Anwendungen – Matysik
[M.Sc. Chem]
Mon 10.20-11.05, Exp. HS


Soft Matter Physics – Seidel

[M.Sc. Phys/IPSP]
Tue 15.15-16.45 Linnéstr. 5, KlHS
Fri 11.00-12.30 Linnéstr. 5, KlHS

Introduction to Computer Simulations I – Janke
[B.Sc. Phys/IPSP]
Wed 11.00-12.30, Brüderstr. 16, R 210

Condensed Matter Theory – Kroy
[M.Sc. Phys/IPSP]
Wed 17:00-18:30, Brüderstr. 16, R 211

Introduction to Photonics I
[B.Sc. Phys/IPSP]
Wed 15.15-16.45, Linnéstr. 5, R.532

Cellular Biophysics – Mierke
[M.Sc. Phys/IPSP]
Thu 13.30-15.00, Linnéstr. 5, SR 218

Regular lectures MLU – WiSe 2018/19


Introduction to polymer physics – Thurn-Albrecht/Schulz
[M.Sc. Phy]
Wed 10.15-11.00, VDP3 3.16
Thu 10.15-11.45, VDP3 1.12

Bildgebung und CT – Laufer
[M.Sc. Med. Phy]
Tue 10-12, VsP1 1.26

Biophysik – Balbach
[M.Sc. Phy]
Wed 12.15-13.45, VDP3 1.04

Statistische Physik – Henk
[M.Ed. Phy]
Tue 10.15-11.45, VSP1 1.02

Thermodynamik – Chotorlishvili
[M.Sc. Phys]
Thu 12.15-13.45, VSP1 1.02

Physikal. Methoden Strukturaufklärung – Woltersdorf
[B.Sc. Phys]
Fri 8.15-9.45, VDP3 1.06

Einführung in die NMR-Spektroskopie – Saalwächter/Hempel/Balbach
[M.Sc. Phy]
Mon 14.15-15.45, VDP3 1.06


Physikalische Chemie (Thermodyn./Kinetik/Elektrochem.) – Bacia
[B.Sc. Chem]
Fri 13.00-15.30, Proteinbiozentrum SR E.04.0

Physikalische Chemie I – Bacia
[B.Sc. Chem]
Wed 8.15-9.45, VSP1 1.26
Thu 8.15-9.45, Ch TLS 1.01

Physikalische Chemie der Polymere – Kreßler
Tue 15.15-16.45, VDP4 1.27

Grundlagen der Chemie der Polymere und Makromoleküle – Binder/Michael
[B.Sc Chem]
Mon 13.15-14.45, VDP1 2.12 Continue reading “Regular lectures MLU – WiSe 2018/19”

Regular lectures UL – SoSe 2018


Receptor Biochemistry – Beck-Sickinger/Mörl
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Wed-Fri, 04.-06.04.2018: 09.00 – 10.30, 10.45 – 12.15
Tuesday, 10.04.-12.06.2018: 8.30 – 10.00
Kl. Hörsaal – Brüderstr. 34

Selected Topics of NMR Spectroscopy – Matysik
[MA Struc. Chem. and Spect.]
Fri, 8.15 – 9.45 Uhr, R 101

Supramolekulare Chemie – Kersting
[MA Chem.]
Wed 8.15-9.45, kl. HS

Strukturelle Biochemie – Sträter
[MA Chem.]
Thu 13.30-15.00, HS 1.3 BBZ


Advanced soft matter and biological physics – Schnauß
[MA Phys]
Tue 11.00-12.30, Linnestr. 5 SR 224

Experimental Methods in Biophysics – Mierke
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Thu 13.30-15.00, Linnestr. 5 SR 224

Biological Physics – Mierke
[MA Intern. Phys. Stud Progr.]
Wed 13.30-15.00, Linnestr. 5 SR 224

Regular lectures MLU – SoSe 2018


Theoretical polymer physics – Paul
[MA Phy]
Mon 11.15-12.45, VDP3 1.04

Spektroskopische Methoden – Balbach/Hempel/Miclea
[BA Phy]
Thu 15.15-16.45, VDP3 1.04

Experimentelle Methoden der Polymerphysik – Beiner
[MA Phy]
Tue 11.15-12.45, VDP1 2.12

Biophysik – Reichert
[MA Phy]
Mon 8.15-11.45, BHS7 214

Einführung in die Bildverarbeitung -Posch
[MA Phy]
Wed 8.15-10.45, VSP1 3.31


Physikalische Chemie II – Kreßler
[BA Chem]
Mon 11.15-12.00, Fri 10.15-11.45, HS-Ch TLS 1.01

Physikalische Chemie III – Hinderberger
Mon 13.15-14.45, VDP1 2.12
Wed 16.00-17.30, VDP1 2.12

Theoretische Chemie – Sebastiani
[BA Chem]
Mon 11.00-12.15, 13.00-14.00, VDP3 1.12

Biochemie – Heilmann/Baginsky
[BA MedPhy]
Mon 16.15-17.45, VSP1 3.28

Polymer materials science

Soft Condensed Matter Physics – Reichert
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Wed 8.15-9.45, VDP3 1.06
Thu 8.15-9.45, VDP3 1.12/VDP4 1.27

Polymer Testing – Langer
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Fri 9.15-10.45, MER FO 131/3/305

Polymer Characterization – Kreßler/Binder
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 8.15-9.45 VDP1 2.12

Physical Chemistry – Hinderberger/Haeri
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Mon 8.15-9.45, VSP1 1.26

Introduction to Polymer Physics – Ott
(basic math. tools needed for polymer physics)
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 10.15-11.00, VDP3 1.04
Wed 10.15-11.45, VDP3 1.04

Polymer Structure and Morphology – Beiner
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 11.15-12.45, VDP1 2.12

Advanced Polymer Synthesis – Binder
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 14.15-15.45, VDP3 1.04

Processing of Polymer Blends and Composits – Michel
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Thu 8.15-9.45, VSP1 1.23

Polymer Analytics – Binder
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Tue 13.15-14.00, VDP4 1.27

Polymer Surface Science – Förster
[MA Polymer Mat. Sci]
Wed 12.15-13.45, VDP1 2.12

Lecture Series “Molecular Modelling” at UL (WS 2017/18)


Friday, 8:30 am to 10:00 am, Härtelstr. 16-18, Seminar Room 018 (ground floor)

In December, the lectures were given by Prof. Dr. Jens Meiler of Vanderbilt University, U.S.A.,the remaining lectures were given by Prof. Dr. Peter Hildebrand, University of Leipzig.

Lab Training

from January 3, 2018 to January 19, 2018, Härtelstr. 16-18

Details were given during the lectures.


Please register directly with

Source: Module Molecular Modelling, UL