[TRR67. IGK] “Translational Aspects of Biomaterials“ in Dresden (October 10 – 12, 2018)

 This course focused on clinical trials and the „Good Clinical Practice – GCP“, and thematically based on the “GCP-Kurs für Prüfärzte/Prüfärztinnen in klinischen Studien”.

Registrations closed onSeptember 10, 2018. 

For more Information please check the website of TRR 67.

Doctoral students seminar (September 4, 2018)

Alexander Korn on “Structural and Functional Investigations of the F19-L34 Contact in Aβ(40)”

and Ricardo Kurz on “Charakterisierung teilkristalliner Polymere mittels Festkörper-NMR” (rehearsal in German)

Continue reading “Doctoral students seminar (September 4, 2018)”

Recruit an intern from North America, Great Britain or Ireland | RISE 2019

Would you like to recruit an intern from North America, Great Britain or Ireland as support for your experimental work? Offer an internship as part of your doctoral thesis.

RISE Germany recruits Bachelor students from North American, British and Irish universities for a research stay. The DAAD supports the research internships taking place in the summer months with scholarships, financed by funds from the Federal Foreign Office and through institutional cooperation. 300 internships are arranged annually.

Offer an internship in your project. Please submit your proposal from September 1 – October 19, 2018.

More information (in German).


jDPG PhD Seminar – November 9-11, 2018 in Heidelberg

Das Seminar verschafft euch einen Einblick in das Thema des Wissenschaftsmanagements auf mehreren Ebenen in der Physik.
Hast auch du dich schon mit der Frage beschäftigt: Wie dokumentiere ich richtig oder gehe bei der Datenhaltung sinnvoll vor? Interessiert dich das Verfahren einer Juniorprofessur und wie sehen weitere Karrieremöglichkeiten in der Wissenschaft aus? Oder wie managt ein Professor oder Postdoc seine Arbeitsgruppe?

Link to registration

Doctoral students seminar (August 7, 2018)

Bruno Voigt on “Probing polymer chain conformation and fibril formation of peptide conjugates”

and Matthias Fischer on “Impact of Molecular Dynamics on Ordering of Side Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers”

Continue reading “Doctoral students seminar (August 7, 2018)”