ATM – Nanoscale Distance Measurements in EPR and Fluorescence Spectroscopies (August 28-29, 2018)


This module was suitable for doctoral students in chemistry, physics, biophysics, and related fields. Some background in quantum mechanics was advisable but was not a direct prerequisite. It introduced the basic theoretical and technical concepts necessary for an understanding of electron paramagnetic resonance and fluorescence in general and especially emphasises the EPR and fluorescence methods for measuring distances on the nanometer scale.


Each day of the two-day program started with a series of lectures in the morning covering the theoretical knowledge by basic lectures and the discussion of applications and problems. It was followed by hands-on experiments on instructive examples during the afternoon. Continue reading “ATM – Nanoscale Distance Measurements in EPR and Fluorescence Spectroscopies (August 28-29, 2018)”

Alumni meeting (August 24, 2018)

Our alumni meeting 2018 will take place on August 24, 2018.

We will meet at:
Villa Tillmanns (Research Academy Leipzig),
Wächterstr. 30
04107 Leipzig

The meeting will take place from 5-11 p.m.
Comfortable train connections between Halle and Leipzig are available every 30 minutes at station Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz.

Our alumni meeting aims at the establishment of links and to foster the exchange between former and current iRTG members. Former members will talk on their career steps in industry or academia.

Smart Molecules – Supramolecular Anions Chemistry (September 20-21)


This module provided an overview of some recent developments in the field of anion recognition and linked it to topics in supramolecular chemistry, biomedical applications and nanochemistry. The doctoral researchers gained insight into specific syntheses and modifications of anion receptors, their specific functions and their integration into functional materials with optimized catalytic activity and adjustable physical, magnetic, electronic, biological and optical properties.
Continue reading “Smart Molecules – Supramolecular Anions Chemistry (September 20-21)”

Soft Matter Day at UL (July 6, 2018)

Soft Matter Day 2018

The third Soft Matter Day, organized by the Peter Debye Institute for Soft Matter Physics, will take place on 6 July 2018 at the Theoretical Lecture Hall of the Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences, Linnéstr. 5, Leipzig. It aims at stimulating scientific exchange and interactions among the groups of the institute and the Leipzig groups that do related work in this field.

Registration Deadlines

Participants with a talk or poster: 6 June 2018
Participants without contribution: 22 June 2018

Doctoral students seminar (May 22, 2018)

Laura Scarbath-Evers on “Oligothiophenes on nano-structured surfaces: from single-molecule adsorption to multilayer thin film morphology ”

and Martin Kordts on “The effect of multiple compressions/expansions on interfacial morphology of hydrophobins”

Continue reading “Doctoral students seminar (May 22, 2018)”