iRTG posts

[PhD – What’s coming next?] Alumni talk (June 1, 2021)

Our alumnus Varun is working as a project manager in a big German chemicals company. He will share his experiences with application and interview and talk about his current position in project management.

Date: June 1, 15.30
Venue: the zoom link will be send to you

Welcome, Stephan!

Stephan Sydow joined our iRTG! He is working in the Molecular Nanophotonics group with Prof. Cichos on the project “Interactions of single polymer chains and Amyloid fibrils in a thermophoretic trap”.

Welcome, Tonghua Liu!

Tonghua Liu joined our iRTG! She is working in the experimental polymer physics group with Prof. Thurn-Albrecht on the project “Effects of topological constraints in polymer melts on crystallization and structure formation”.

Regular lectures UL – SoSe 2021

Please register for the lecture and check if the information given below is till up to date. As most of the lectures are held online this semester, also PhD students from Halle university might participate. Please contact the responsible lecturer in advance!


Regular lectures MLU – SoSe 2021

Please register for the lecture in StudIP and check if the information given below is till up to date. As most of the lectures are held online this semester, also PhD students from Leipzig university might participate. Please contact the responsible lecturer in advance!


Successful defence of Peter Enke

Congratulations to Peter! He defended his thesis successfully and completed the additional training program of our integrated research training group.

Title: “Dynamic and Structural Properties of Amyloid Forming and Intrinsically Disordered Polypeptide Chains Determined by Time-Resolved FRET Measurements”

Date: March 12, 2021