iRTG posts

Successful defence of Nicole Sonnenberger

Congratulations to Nicole (group of M. Beiner)! She defended her thesis successfully and completed the additional training program of our integrated researcht training group.

Title: “Kristallisationsverhalten von polymorphen Pharmazeutika in
nanoporösen CPG-Einfluss von Porengröße und Oberflächenmodifikation”.

Date: July 14, 2020

Official announcement

Introduction to Small and Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering (October 6-7, 2020)


This module addressed doctoral students in chemistry, physics, biophysics, and related fields without much prior knowledge or experience in scattering theory and experiments. It introduced the basic theoretical and technical concepts of applications of x-ray small angle and wide angle scattering in polymer science.


Cai, Yue – Chemistry (Binder, MLU)

Research topic: Strain and stress-sensitive probes in polymers and proteins


  • Polymer synthesis
  • Bergman cyclization


Successful defence of Matthias Fischer

Congratulations to Matthias Fischer (group of T. Thurn-Albrecht)! He defended his thesis successfully and completed the additional training program of our integrated research training group.

Title: “Röntgenuntersuchungen an halbleitenden Blockcopolymeren und
Modellsystemen: Einfluss von molekularem Aufbau und molekularer
Dynamik auf Mikrophasenseparation und molekulare Ordnung”.

Date: July 1, 16.00

Official announcement

Alumni meeting (September 4, 2020)

Our annual alumni meeting will take place on September 4, 2020. We will meet in Peißnitzhaus (Halle) from 5 p.m. The alumni meeting aims at the establishment of links and to foster the exchange between former and current iRTG members. Former members will talk on their career steps in industry or academia.


Tsirigoni, Anna-Maria – Biochemistry (Blank, MPIKG)

Research topic: Force-induced α-β transitions in coiled coil structures


  • Single molecule force spectroscopy (AFM)
  • Peptide synthesis
  • Rheology


Polymer Physics & Polymer Spectroscopy Webinar

  • regular online webinar on “Polymer Physics & Polymer Spectroscopy”
  • biweekly on Thursdays at 4 pm
  • two talks: one from the wider field, one with spectroscopy focus, always with a strong topical connection
  • organized by Rongchun Zhang (South China Univ. of Tech.), Toshikazu Miyoshi (U Akron, USA) and Kay Saalwächter

Start was June 11, 2020 at 4 pm with talks by Enrique D. Gomez (Penn State Univ.) and Ryan C. Nieuwendaal (NIST) on semiconduction polymers.

Doctoral students seminar (May 26, 2020)

Crystallization of polymers at the air-water interface
by Nazmul Hasan

From single chains to aggregates: How conjugated polymers behave in solution
by Sayed Mohammad Fahimi

Location: Online, via MLUconf
Time: 3.20pm-5.00pm
