iRTG posts

Dr. Balko, Jens – Experimental physics (Thurn-Albrecht, MLU)

Title of thesis: “Strukturbildung und Kristallinität von Poly(3-Hexylthiophen) im Volumen und in dünnen Filmen”

Date of defence: July 29, 2015

Research topic: 
Structure formation and crystallization in semiconducting side chain polymers


  • Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS)
  • Flash Differential Scanning Calorimetry (Flash-DSC)

Dr. Adler, Juliane – Experimental physics (Huster, UL)

Date of defence: October 27, 2015

Research topic: Modified interactions in A-beta (1-40) fibrils

  • Solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR):
  • Structure investigation of secondary structures:
    • cross-polarization (CP)
    • proton driven spin diffusion (2D)
    • Dynamics (DIPSHIFT)
  • Fluorescence spectroscopy

Career Paths into Industry – 18/19 July 2016

Working and conducting research in academia offer a lot of opportunities for networking and career planning. Today, the concept of a “job for life” is not valid in many professions and companies. However, as a highly skilled and qualified researcher there are a lot of career opportunities in economy and industry. Scientists should be able to transform their capabilities into job-oriented skills and career possibilities to connect themselves with potential employers. Career planning is as vital as planning experiments. Researchers need to be familiar with their skills, should know how to establish their own brand with self- marketing and develop a strategic view on the career landscape to be successful. The most important action researchers can do themselves is to take the lead in their career planning. (more…)

Patent law – June 06, 2016

Target audience

Doctoral students and postdocs


Focus patenting:
  • Relevance and protection requirements
  • Sophisticated structure of a letters patent
  • National and international patent application and retention
Technology transfer and support for inventors at the Martin Luther University:
  • Introduction of the technology transfer office at MLU
  • Rights and duties relating to employees’ inventions
  • Useful information on transfer projects and building a startup


Basic Concepts in Molecular Spectroscopy – June 16/17 2016


This module for physicists and chemists introduced the basic concepts in molecular spectroscopy, i.e. Infrared (IR), (surface enhanced) Raman- with imaging options and Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Optical Microscopy, Superresolution Microscopy and Single Molecule Fluorescence Detection. (more…)